The Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2008
Bush Looks to Beef Up Protection Against Cyberattacks
Estimated Cost Could Be $6 Billion; Democrats Are Wary
No they are not, they want that power passed like the touch of the olympics !
Wednesday, January 30, 2008.
![]() The Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2008 No they are not, they want that power passed like the touch of the olympics ! Tuesday, January 29, 2008.
Brilliant 6 page article that exposes how the US government has made up most of the terror alert threats, and moreover has staged all of the post 9/11
"al qaeda terror plots" Also see, Truth or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts here is what I suspect is AQ in Iraq. You know, kinda like the Parable of the broken window... I'm thinking, you know, old patterns never die: Margaret Thatcher told navy to raid Swedish coast As many of you now know, I was recently detained and questioned by the FBI regarding several posts on this blog. Two of the posts in question were first altered, then removed all together, by what appeared to be the Dept. of Homeland Security. "You can say what you want about this country. I love this country. I love the freedoms that we used to think we had. As many of you now know, I was recently detained and questioned by the FBI regarding several posts on this blog. Two of the posts in question were first altered, then removed all together, by what appeared to be the Dept. of Homeland Security. "You can say what you want about this country. I love this country. I love the freedoms that we used to think we had. Michael Ratner is President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and says "under the Democrats, a few months ago caved and gave the president temporary authority for six months—it's called the Protect America Act. It expires on February 1. And that does allow the president to bypass the warrant requirements with regard to US citizens and US permanent residents." Yet one more retroactive law to cover breaking the law in the first place, 'backdoor immunity', and the democrats let em.. Monday, January 28, 2008.
![]() AN investigation into the illicit sale of American nuclear secrets was compromised by a senior official in the State Department, a former FBI employee has claimed. Sunday, January 27, 2008.
![]() ![]() Ok guys, this is pretty weird. About an hour ago I got an email from a friend. He was looking at my recent post on homemade explosives. He hit the refresh button for whatever reason, and some of the content magically disappeared, replaced by the words ---redacted---in bold letters. I figured I had made some kind of mistake and checked my content, then re-published the post. Ten minutes later, the content was missing again. I re-published. Another five minutes, and the content was gone again. The above is the cached version of a blog via recent commentor gregory. Perhaps it's a hoax or maybe a psyop, hell, it stands a very good chance of being real these days. Whatever it turns out to be, it's interesting. Global warming ranks far down the concerns of the world's biggest companies, despite world leaders' hopes that they will pioneer solutions to the impending climate crisis, a startling survey will reveal this week. Capitalism, and big business, can fucking blow me. Tangentially related, Amory Lovins presentation from a year or so ago. Even more relevant now Here's a link to Amory's slide presentation as a PDF file. Available at: More Some sane news in a mad newscape... Saturday, January 26, 2008.
Original writing by Trevor Blake...
Friday, January 25, 2008.
![]() ![]() From POLTERGEIST II, Carol Ann: "They're back!" : Wolfowitz appointed chairman of arms-control advisory panel
You know, to back up his pal Cheneys recent call for even more surveillance It's like whack-a-mole with these guys. They keeps popping up -- over thar! Now over thar! WHACK! Here's Wolfowitz practically giddy with excitement telling West Point academy students that 9/11 is about to happen, and will make war profitteers ricj *Translation: Demonize the internet by any means necessary... ![]() As I said below, "Bread and circuses" people, bread and circuses...Predictably, the Democratic Leadership caved on everything. Fuck the people on food stamps or unemployment... Get ye some edjimencation... "America: Host or Parasite?" Interview with economist, Dr. Michael Hudson. Dr. Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of "Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire". We discuss the US balance of payments trade deficit which creates US credit to finance the US national debt and war abroad; Russian economic shock therapy as the final stage of the cold war; the real estate bubble; permanent war and the inevitable collapse of the current US dominated global economic system. SUPER-IMPERIALISM: The Shameful Legacy Of Liberal Democrats ![]() Professor Michael Hudson, an independent Wall St. financial economist, has written an extraordinary book entitled Super Imperialism: The Origins and Fundamentals Of U.S. World Dominance I first heard of Michael Hudson when browsing Bonnie Faulkner’s “Guns And Butter” website, and as I listened to him, I knew that I needed to read Super Imperialism for many reasons, not the least of which is that I am not an economist and am only beginning to educate myself on how the money works in the domestic and world economies. For this reason, I have been reluctant to write a review of Hudson’s book; I am still learning, as are many of my readers, about dysfunctional and oppressive economic systems and how they work, as well as learning about how a healthy economy might function to meet the needs of its citizenry without harming them or the ecosystem. That said, as an historian, I believe that in order to fully appreciate the current tyranny of centralized financial systems, it is necessary to understand how they evolved within the past six decades. ... In the current milieu of blatant neo-conservative world domination rhetoric and behavior, it is oh so tempting to believe that the Republican Party and political conservatism have been historically at the forefront of an imperialist foreign policy. What is crucial to understand is that from an historical perspective, the economic imperialism engineered by the United States was overwhelmingly the brain child of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. ![]() For those so inclined, head on over to; be sure to read his first link under "Interviews" section. (Debtor Nation - The Hijacking of America's Economy. from Acres, Jan. '08) Meanwhile, Speaker Botox Buys $16K Worth of Flowers House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking office. not to mention, Madame, 'Queen of Capitol Hill's' "Green the Capitol" initiative... Let em' [you know, the little people...] eat ![]() Someone over at DU asks, "how do you NOT extend unemployment benefits in a recession"??? To which there is this reply: Maybe Nancy needed that money for the raise Congress just recently granted itself.Congress gets $4,100 pay raise. WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress members in 2008 will receive salaries of $169,300, a boost of $4,100 over the salary they have had since January 2006. Thursday, January 24, 2008.
![]() Just sixteen days after the UK Times' published a blockbuster article, For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets, about how certain top US government officials were enabling Turkish and Israeli interests in supplying the nuclear black market, President Bush quietly announced on Tuesday that he wants Congress to approve sales of nuclear technology to Turkey. Summary It appears as though certain administration officials have been illegally supplying the Turkish nuclear program for years, and now that they've been publicly outed, the Bush administration will simply make the entire program legal, just as they are trying to do with the illegal spying. Luke Ryland's latest update above gives a conjectural, but plausible reading of the behind the scenes maneuvering and public posturing about U.S. sponsored nuclear proliferation for Turkey, and its connection to the recent uptick of activity regarding the Sibel Edmonds case. Well worth reading. For those following the Edmonds case I recommend subscribing to Ryland's mailing list. My only objection would be to the headline which speaks of "White House panic": to me it seems more likely that it is just a bit of ordinary daily business for the Bush administration, namely, once again legalizing retroactively what, for mere mortals, would be criminal activity.
Muzak break: Man, I need one...
Pink Freud- Dziwny Jest Ten Kraj
In 1998, four young and open-minded musicians from Gdansk formed a group, which would explore new areas of improvisation. They named it Pink Freud. Pink Freud is an improvising trio. Its music is fresh and modern; inspired by jazz, rock, folk, jungle, drum'n'bass etc. Pink Freud demands audience's sensitivity and concentration. Musicians play subtle tunes fully aware of their music. In 1998, Gdansk was a center of yass music; trend impressing Poland with great influence in 19ties. Pink Freud however turned its back to this tradition and recorded debut album "Zawijassy". Skalpel "1958" Skalpel are Marcin Cichy and Igor Pudlo DJs/producers from Wroclaw, Poland. Being new recruits of Ninja Foreign Legion, they are rather hesitant to speak about their past. However, there they are among the best-known and most respected DJs and producers about, with even a Paszporty Polityki nomination to their name (the most prestigious culture award in the country).Sufficient to say, they are talented DJs, whose 4 mixes were aired on Solid Steel in the past, two of which were released as "Virtual Cuts" - namely the best mixtape released in the history of electronic music in Poland. Wednesday, January 23, 2008.
![]() Don't Forget- They are LIARS!
You know this, I know this, but the masses.... "American Gladiators is back on the air ya know" More Tuesday, January 22, 2008.
For Trevor...
here is Senate bill 3930 regarding my President BUSH PARDON's HIMSELF against POTENTIAL WARCRIMES post. I tried 13 goddamn times to post this in the comments section there but, halo scam wouldn't let me, so fuck it, I made it it's own post. Vote Result: Bill Passed. Text of S.3930: Sanctioning Torture, Abolishing the Right To A Trial and More.... Also, here is the American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Letter to the Senate bout Retroactive Immunity to Government Officials Who Authorized or Ordered Illegal Acts of Torture and Abuse.
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets.
by Philip Giraldi And who you may ask is Philip Giraldi? Philip Giraldi, a former CIA Officer, is a partner in Cannistraro Associates, an international security consultancy. There is very clearly an attempt in progress to put the Sibel Edmonds case on the "front burner" (or at least to take it out of the freezer). Further evidence here and above. These "signs of spring" (which certainly can't be characterized as "early" despite their appearance in January) seem to strengthen the belief that something has happened behind the scenes, in addition, of course, to the long term and up to now nearly fruitless efforts of Luke Ryland and other supporters of Sibel Edmonds. We'll know for sure that something is up if either Grassley or Leahy becomes visible, or some ambitious pol takes up the cause. One should, I think, bear in mind that the "dark side" has had five years to prepare a plausible refutation of Ms. Edmonds charges, so we may merely be witnessing a new attempt to swiftboat a pesky personality, and turn the accuser into the accused, or to use her in some way to put the derailed attack on Iran back on track. In any event, the congressional hearing at which Grossman is slated to testify could prove to be a compelling "media event", in the unlikely event that any of the "guardians of democracy" should decide to cover it. Which ain't fucking likely.
Funny, as the economy tanks, we have 'give em head, harry reid' on the floor today asking for an extension on the FISA bill. You know, because, that's what's most important today; protecting the telecomms...
the 'news' follows 4 rules 1. ignore important stories 2. raise triva to the level of news 3. if # 1 is not possible then muddy the waters to the point that the story is impossible to follow. 4. Put it out there in a sweet short blurb but never ever explain context, nor follow up. ![]() How They Slant TV From A - Z, by USIA psy-ops expert
The UK's Guardian is running a piece, "US journalists ignore Sunday Times scoop on FBI nuclear scandal," criticizing the US media for not picking up on the latest revelations by their competitor, the UK's Times, in the case of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds.The author of the piece is the Guardian's media commentator, Roy Greenslade, a Professor of Journalism and former Managing Editor of the Times.
How to Stop Terrorism? Begin in School
Maryland High School Offers Homeland Security Courses As if high school weren't terrifying enough, indeed. Monday, January 21, 2008.
Jewish Identity Can't Depend on Violence
by Arun Gandhi
Arun Gandhi is President and co-founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. Mr Gandhi is the fifth grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi. He is president and co-founder of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, now at the University of Rochester in New York Note: just thought I'd add, there are several comments to this post, however, they seem to not be showing. I don't know what is up with blogger and it's Peek-a-boo comments, but it seems this is the only post that it's happening to. And I have never seen this type behavior before from halo scam. But do recall reading about it... so for those so inclined if you try the comments a couple of times you will eventually get them. ~Uncle Sunday, January 20, 2008.
totally dovetails with 9/11 and the ISI...
Also, the lastest here: UK Times: Official Documents Prove FBI lied to protect US officials The UK's Sunday Times has another explosive article out tonight. THE FBI has been accused of covering up a key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets.' The Times has obtained official documents which prove that the FBI is lying about the existence of a counterintelligence operation targeting high-level US officials and Turkish operatives. The FBI's comments demonstrate conclusively that either: a) They are lying, or b) They have destroyed the evidence of this multi-year investigation concerning the corruption of high-level US officials, the nuclear black market, money laundering and narcotics trafficking. Deeper more comprehensive analysis here... I eagerly await the U.S.' "press" to report on this. Yeah, it's a joke, about as funny as a mushroom cloud. Daniel Ellsberg at BradBlog: American Media's Complicit Failure To Report On The Sibel Edmonds Case For the second time in two weeks, the entire U.S. press has let itself be scooped by Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times on a dynamite story of criminal activities by corrupt U.S. officials promoting nuclear proliferation. But there is a worse journalistic sin than being scooped, and that is participating in a cover-up of information that demands urgent attention from the public, the U.S. Congress and the courts.
This says it all...
President BUSH PARDON's HIMSELF against POTENTIAL WARCRIMES Direct link. President Bush Passes a Bill giving himself and his whitehouse retroactive immunity for possible war crimes. There is nothing left to say... A useful summary of the CIA tapes scandal thus far, by Scott Horton of Harper's. Monkey see,monkey do: School destroys video of students being shocked After being ordered not to destroy video footage of school officials shocking students, the school destroyed them anyways Saturday, January 19, 2008.
Buried on p A12 of the Sat NYT, under "National Briefing", a collection of AP stories of crime, murder and untimely death around the US, in the very last clip, headed merely "Former Secretary on Waterboarding."
It seems that the original Sect of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, states unequivocally that "under any set of rules, ... waterboarding was, is, and will always be torture." Why did they feel compelled to report it at all? What goes through the minds of NYT editors? The Bush administration’s emergency plan for a possible flu pandemic involves essentially police-state methods that have nothing to do with effectively combating the illness. The panel also discussed the fact that the current policies heavily emphasize the need for coerced vaccinations and military-enforced quarantines. Friday, January 18, 2008.
Patrick Cockburn
Published: 17 January 2008 The cultivation of opium poppies whose product is turned into heroin is spreading rapidly across Iraq as farmers find they can no longer make a living through growing traditional crops. why I have heard tell that them poppy fields go all the way to the Emerald City..... ![]() Is there anything, that doesn't further the Bush Mafia's agenda? I wonder if Poppy Bush gave them the seeds. At any rate, I'm sure he's smiling at this development. Wall Street probably is too. Thursday, January 17, 2008.
![]() January 17, 2008 These are the results of an independent investigation into GNN by about four former site members, including myself. It was originally posted at GNN itself, but I'm re-posting it here because it needs a new home in light of my decision to delete my account at GNN. Since its original writing, it has been edited to include new information, as well as edited for clarity in certain parts. I hope you all enjoy the read, and even if you don’t accept my thesis, at the very least I’m sure you’ll find this information intriguing. It will also likely bring significantly more traffic to It is good to know where the people we trust with information are coming from. The link will bring you to a PDF file telling a bunch about GNN's owners/motive forces. Here is the info in HTML form, about impossible to read though. Let me know how the reading strikes you. Wednesday, January 16, 2008.
The United States Constitution never uses the word "God" or makes mention of any religion, drawing its sole authority from "We the People." However, Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee thinks it's time to put an end to that.
Advertisement "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view." When Willie Geist reported Huckabee's opinion on MSNBC's Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski was almost speechless, and even Joe Scarborough couldn't immediately find much to say beyond calling it "interesting," Scarborough finally suggested that while he believes "evangelicals should be able to talk politics ... some might find that statement very troubling, that we're going to change the Constitution to be in line with the Bible. And that's all I'm going to say." Geist further noted of Huckabee that if "someone without his charm," said that, "he'd be dismissed as a crackpot, but he's Mike Huckabee and he's bascially the front-runner." Video Goodness Here. Tuesday, January 15, 2008.
![]() Labels: Political Graphic Novels, Shooting War I think an excellent way for John Edwards to cut through to democratic voters is to take a truly fighting stance against "election fraud." There is some evidence that the kind of suspected primary election fraud that the election fraud "community" (Bob Fitrakis of Free Press, Black Box Voting, Mark Crispin Miller and others who are largely unrebutted by the GOP) has noticed may have occurred in New Hampshire.(One.) To summarize, it looks like exit polling, which would be immune to unaccounted for pre polling surges and/or skulldoggery by republican independents (and is reliable within .1 percent in places like Germany), is wildly at odds with the final result. The election fraud community smells a rat as well they should. Now, there is a counter view posted at Dkos. (Two.) I don't find it as compelling as the chart shown here: MOCRATS I think John Edwards should ask for a full recount, but go a bit further and demand a full inquiry into "chain of custody" issues. You might wonder what the overall benefit would be of a successful recount effort which would give the election to Obama. Well, the most important thing it would do is it would show, in a very realistic and powerful way, that Edwards is a different kind of democrat who fights for principle, namely one person one vote. Afterall, a lot of dems, myself included, think that both the 2000 and the 2004 election were stolen. If you want to show me a different kind of democrat you could start by fighting for our votes. I'm also an African American. If you wanted to sell other African Americans on your campaign you might remind those African American voters (most targeted by vote suppression and these new ID laws) who fought for their vote and who will be more likely to fight for their vote when the Ohio/Florida of 2008 inevitably arises. The reason I support John Edwards is that I think he'll do more for the black community than some triangulating appeaser. Here's a chance for Edwards to prove me right. You could also make your critiques of the voting system while supporting the New Holt Bill and wondering aloud why Sens. Obama and Clinton aren't more vocal or aren't offering amendments against voter ID Laws. I just think it creates a new dynamic for the race. A man who bills himself as a "fighting democrat" should, well, do some fighting... Sincerely, Philip Shropshire One: If you're interested in the details then look here: /01/10/1635225.shtml And Here: MOCRATS And Here: Two: Labels: Hail Mary, Throw Deep
How things really work or why you should enjoy your tasty lead based toys. From Eyes on Trade:
Labels: capitalism is really swell yeah right, my tasty lead based toys As a class, lower income people have been well Sunday, January 13, 2008.
We'll nuke Iran - Bush promises Israel
Thu, 01/10/2008 - 16:08 - Wire Services - US President George W. Bush promised Israel's opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu that the United States will join the Jewish state in a nuclear strike against Iran, Israel Radio reported today. Former Prime Minister Netanyahu, opposition Likud party's hardline chairman who opposes the US-backed Annapolis peace process, reiterated to President Bush his stance, that a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran's nuclear installations was the only way to stop the Islamic nation's nuclear weapons ambitions. "I told him my position and Bush agreed," Netanyahu told Israel Radio. During their 45-minute meeting at King David hotel in Jerusalem Netanyahu also told Bush that "Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people and will remain under Israeli sovereignty for eternity." President Bush issued a stark warning to Iran over Strait of Hormuz incident, saying that "all options are on the table to protect our assets." “There will be serious consequences if they attack our ships, pure and simple,” Bush said during the joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem. “And my advice to them is, don't do it.” Bush criticized those who interpret the National Intelligence Estimate, which found that Iran gave up its nuclear weapons program in 2003, as a sign that Iran was no longer a threat. "Let me remind you what the NIE actually said," Bush stold reporters. "It said that as far as the intelligence community could tell, at one time the Iranians had a military -- covert military program that was suspended in 2003 because of international pressure. My attitude is that a non-transparent country, a country which has yet to disclose what it was up to, can easily restart a program." Friday, January 11, 2008.
![]() ![]() Wow, I can't believe I haven't seen this before now. As always, words fail at news like this. I was a huge fan of John Cieciel's work, and I never knew he had anything to do with News of the Weird. Long before there were a gazillion blogs highlighting weird news or Keith Olbermann doing his own Oddball spin, there was Chuck Sheperd's News of the Weird from 1988. Now almost every news program or news website capitalizes on some aspect of weird news. [Coincidentally, when I ran a college paper in Washington D.C. in the early nineties I wanted to run the News of the Weird, but they had an exclusive agreement with the DC City Paper which disallowed it.] I was always proud to be on John's link list. Spitting Image was always one of the best little literate corners of the internet; John's work was fun and funny and influential and he will be missed. Thursday, January 10, 2008.
![]() Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship. Chilling Threat Could Have Come From the Langley or Cheney's Basement, Navy Says /snark.
Perhaps a companion piece to my post
below, but I thought I'd give it it own blog. "A United States military spokesman in Baghdad refused to describe the current rules of engagement governing the use of riot control agents," according to the Times story.
Also see, Militarytimes: Lance Cpl. Maria Frances Lauterbach was a witness to an incident that occurred on base and was due to testify about it, according to sheriff’s officials in Onslow County, N.C. Sheriff’s and Marine Corps officials declined to provide any more details regarding the incident for which Lauterbach was scheduled to testify.
’05 Use of Gas by Blackwater Leaves Questions
Suddenly, on that May day in 2005, the copter dropped CS gas, a riot-control substance the American military in Iraq can use only under the strictest conditions and with the approval of top military commanders. An armored vehicle on the ground also released the gas, temporarily blinding drivers, passers-by and at least 10 American soldiers operating the checkpoint. Also see, Blackwater Mercenaries Poised to Get Fat New Pentagon Contract for "Drug War" Probably has something to do with THIS GUY . Laura Carlsen over at FPIF gives a pretty good rundown HERE. Iran has released via Press TV its own video footage of the incident, showing that it was a regular contact between the Guards and the US Navy. "Seit 5.45 Uhr wird zurückgeschossen..." Also see, Bush Castigates Iran, Calling Naval Confrontation ‘Provocative Act’. Iran Accuses U.S. of Faking Persian Gulf Video The audio includes a heavily accented voice warning in English that the Navy warships would explode. However, the recording carries no ambient noise — the sounds of a motor, the sea or wind — that would be expected if the broadcast had been made from one of the five small boats that sped around the three-ship American convoy. Tuesday, January 08, 2008.
primarily on building a reconstruction party/mvmt. if she does gets the green party nomination, lookout. appropriate quote here too:
Angela Davis made an interesting comment on the current presidential campaign. She said all the candidates are talking about "differences" that will not make a difference and "changes" that will not bring about any change. How true. During the Vietnam War, North Vietnamese intelligence units sometimes succeeded in penetrating Allied communications systems, and they could monitor Allied message traffic from within. But sometimes they did more than that. In light of recent events of course... A Non-Incident in the Gulf In what U.S. officials called a serious provocation, Iranian boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, threatening to explode the American vessels. Unsuprisingly (to some)the Iranians have a different view of the incident... read on. Sunday, January 06, 2008.
There's a remarkable article For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets on the front page of the British Times today.
A WHISTLEBLOWER (Sibel Edmonds) has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets. Sibel is in serious danger as a result of this article. Please support her by distributing widely. Al-Qaeda video messages of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri can now be downloaded to cell phones, the terror network announced as part of its attempts to extend its influence. You know, to Saturday, January 05, 2008.
![]() And pretty Bjork jump up and down in new predictably head spinning Gondrey video. Nice declaration for a free Mars as well. Labels: music, pretty bjork ![]() Two: Inexpensive solar cells. ![]() ![]() Friday, January 04, 2008.
![]() ![]() ISLAMABAD: The controversy over former premier Benazir Bhutto's assassination has taken another turn with a section of her Pakistan People's Party (PPP) claiming she was targeted with sophisticated "laser beam technology".This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the, Wonder how long Dr. Musaddiq Kahn will be alive? Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo... We just pasted the event horizon. Arlen (single bullet) Specter in Rawalpindi, "laser beam technology", bread and circuses, pony shows, Scotland Yard assisting in Bhutto death probe instead of the State Department, I've said it before, while Ken Kesey will be sorely missed, let's face it, in a world this twisted who needs fiction? A new resolution introduced, by Congressman Randy Forbes December 18 in the US House Of Representatives, H. Res 888 claims to be about ""Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation's founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as `American Religious History Week' for the appreciation of and education on America's history of religious faith."more at the link... If tonight's Iowa results prove anything, it's that religion isn't leaving the public square when W. rides home to Texas.~Jeff Sharlet God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. - Luis Buñuel
Jane Harman's Principled Stand Against Torture?
I believe that Rep. Harman's letter and the CIA response reveal that the entire concept of congressional oversight is a fraud. Also, no murder charges for the goons that did the Haditha mass murder try to read this horseshit without becoming physically ill: Initially called a massacre by Iraqi residents of Haditha and later characterized as coldblooded murder by a U.S. congressman, the case has turned not on an alleged rampage but on a far more complex analysis of how U.S. troops fight an insurgency in the midst of a population they seek to protect. bottom line: stern slaps on the wrists for war crimes. despicable. Murder inc. drive right over this speed bump and slows not one wit... Iraqi Girl tells of US Attack in Haditha 3 Minute Video Report Ten-year-old Iman Walid witnessed the killing of seven members of her family in an attack by American marines last November. The interview with Iman was filmed exclusively for ITV News by Ali Hamdani,our Iraqi video diarist.
Don't know about anyone else, but I recently bought a moderately priced headphone set from Sears, I wish I had know the following before hand.
Online communities to become more 'all-encompassing.' If you join the SHC community on, all web traffic to and from your computer thereafter will be copied and sent to a third party marketing research firm - including, for example, your secure sessions with your bank! The proxy will send your logins and passwords along with a cleartext copy of all the supposedly secure data. But wait, it gets better : you can only view the true TOS once the proxy has already been installed. This isn't even opt in, apparently Sears has opened up it's entire database of all your purchases going back to '89 with so little security that anyone can pull up details on anyone else (apparently with just knowing a name and address). Via Metafilter. As one of the comments at mefi said, I hope some hacker finds and releases the 'cell number, SSN, home address, and boat landing of every suit on top of the food chain at Sears, the sniveling crop of MBAs that greenlighted this project, and the assholes who agreed to code and host it. Also: David Cross'. Pass this info around, let the fucks feel some heat... |
Progressive Site of the WeekWE CARE Solar![]() American Samizdat: Underground Word Lines Since 2002
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"Mass-market nostalgia gets you hopped up for a past that never existed. Hagiography sanctifies shuck-and-jive politicians and reinvents their expedient gestures as moments of great moral weight. Our continuing narrative line is blurred past truth and hindsight. Only a reckless verisimilitude can set that line straight." Ensure a Free and Fair Election (Ban Paperless Voting Machines20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USAThe Brad Blog Ohio Election Fraud Rotten in Denmark Help America Recount Votergate Instant Runoff Voting Black Box Notes Diebold Variations Subvert the Corporate Media MegalopolyMedia MattersCursor FAIR Take Back the Media PR Watch Project Censored Lying Media Bastards Mediachannel Editor & Publisher Medianews ListenDemocracy Now!Randi Rhodes Mike Malloy Free Speech Radio News Public Radio Fan OrganizeMoveon.orgAmericans Coming Together Progressive Majority True Majority DU Meetup Propagate the Art Gate Argue EverywhereWinning Argument
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Honorary HarbingersDr. Helen CaldicottNoam Chomsky Alexander Cockburn David Corn Barbara Ehrenreich BartCop Robert Fisk Laura Flanders William Gibson Amy Goodman Nat Hentoff Katrina vanden Heuvel Sander Hicks Jim Hightower Arianna Huffington Molly Ivins Naomi Klein George Lakoff Robert McChesney Richard Metzger Michael Moore Mark Morford Greg Palast Michael Parenti Geov Parrish John Pilger William Rivers Pitt Ted Rall Anita Roddick Douglas Rushkoff Edward Said R.U. Sirius Normon Solomon Bruce Sterling Helen Thomas Hunter S. Thompson Maria Tomchick Howard Zinn Harbingers Past & Present(In Order of Appearance)Kirsten Anderson Fred Pyen Andrew Abb Brooke Biggs A.Q. Jensen Adam Rice Mark Woods Mr. Planet JP Sal Salasin Eliot Gelwan Jerry Westerby Evan Daze Dirk Hine Tiffany Tomkinson Wylie Sypher Craig Jensen Steve L. Judith Lewis Steven Baum Jim Higgins Brian Lamb Tony Tross Stack Kendall Clark Cynthia Korzekwa Chris Eby Joe Somebody Lia Bulaong Turbulent Velvet Jason Lubyk Eldee Graham Freeman Richard Kahn Thorizine Bob Morris Robert Sieracki Pagan Moss Ray Davis Green Flash L Johnson Garret Vreeland Michael Webb Grant Williamson Phillip Shropshire Brad Olson James Capozzola Grady Olivier Back Space Martin Wisse Hash Steven Green Amir Butler Kebbie Marc Robinson Joseph Duemer Norm Jenson Zed Lopez Henning Bertram Helen & Harry Highwater Klint Finley Team sTaRe MC Distraction Cyndy Roy Kim Osterwalder George Kelly Valis Noah Shachtman Lawrence Green Michael LaMartina Bill Connolly George Partington Phil Leggiere Ray Sweatman Tate Engstrand Tommy Tompkins The Happy Tutor Kurt Nimmo Hanan Cohen Julia MadamJuJuJive Ashley Benigno Patton Price Eli Stephens Bruce Wilson Jeremy Wells Madeleine Kane Weird Pixie Bruce Benedict Spinoza HyperSpaceGirl John Fenderson Soy Joy James Benjamin William Blaze DDJango Citizen Daryl Joe Leftist John Walz Damon Taylor Mr. Spock Alec Kinnear Susan Michelle Fierro Northstar Harry MacDougal Rick Pietz Inspector Lohmann Trevor Blake Nick Lewis Cecil B. Demented Michael Miller Ben Gloria Brame Robin Herman Bob Hate Gun Shannon Hubbell Young Fox Teresa Ortega Cap'n Marrrrk Uncle $cam Lenin Mark Elf The Retropolitan Henry Baum Screwy Hoolie The Continental Op Morgaine Swann Ashton Dirk Buchholz . . . and your host: ![]() Dr. Menlo: censored by China, Blogsnob and "The Lefty Directory" ![]() Friends of the Samizdat100 WordsworthAlmocreve das Petas American Amnesia A-noticias be the water not the rock bird on the moon blacksundae Blog Left Blogistan Blowback Burst Transmission commonSci Corpus Callosum Counterpoint 2004 the Daily Vexation, by Pardue Duran Defensor Pacis Dehiscence Dirty Water dratfink Drunken Monkey Style Blogging Estimated Prophet Exquisite Corpse The Fix the floating baby moses syndrome Follow Me Here Mike Golby haha no serious The Hairy Eyeball hedgeblog Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio High Masculine Tones High Water I.D. FLUX ikastikos Incoming Signals information virus Interesting Monstah it is not about you it is not the same killer empathy Knoxville Underground The Left End of the Dial L'Alliance Liberal Oasis likesunday l∅ckedinab∅x lowgradepanic Marstonalia MaxSpeak ME AND OPHELIA misnomer Netron New World Disorder No-sword No Touch Monkey! notes from somewhere bizarre Obscurantist onegoodmove Orcinus PageCount Palace Chime pleasant Post-atomic Prana Designs Progressive Blog Alliance Progressive Gold Que Bola randomWalks RANTISSIMO reading & writing remake/remodel The River Sassafrass Log Shou? - Igor Boog skimble skippy the bush kangaroo Social Design Notes StoutDemBlog thoughts on the eve of the apocalypse Time Is Tight 3 River Tech Review to the teeth UnaBlogger Unknown News Used Car Sales Wallybrane's Martian Adventures Warblogger Watch We Don't Agree, But Wealth Bondage weblog without a name mike.whybark The Wily Filipino Wis[s]e Words wood's lot Word for Word Youngfox Canada Yoyo Regime Archives2002 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2008 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2009 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2010 January February March April May |