Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
Israeli Patrol Boat Rams Gaza Relief Vessel Cynthia McKinney & CNN Penhaul Reports
Anyone else remember how the Israeli lobby threw boatloads (pun intended) of cash to McKinney's opponent? Which in turn made her lose her seat in congress? by the nation’s most powerful lobby and attack dog republican group, for her failure to tow the Israeli line, mostly because she confronts corporate media malice in court, defense contractors and jackals during hearings? Yeah, that Cynthia McKinney. McKinney Grills Rumsfeld After watching the above vid, know that she never got her written report from these murders, and she soon lost her seat in congress for asking embarrassing questions. Civilians aboard the Dignity
was this (see below) the kind of thing McKinney was eluding to in the McKinney Grills Rumsfeld vid about trafficking in women and children?? Child Maid Trafficking Spreads to US IRVINE, Calif. (Dec. 29) -- Late at night, the neighbors saw a little girl at the kitchen sink of the house next door. They watched through their window as the child rinsed plates under the open faucet. She wasn't much taller than the counter and the soapy water swallowed her slender arms. I think so... Child Maid Trafficking Spreads to US? In America? Really? so these kinds of things are now blatant and out in the open? And not one goddamn law maker, leader, public servant says one goddamn thing about it, and those whom do get shit canned? This is not goddamn acceptable! Either covertly or openly! The American people have become numb and the "leaders" are fucking career treasonous criminals of the highest order. This burns my ass! If the interweb ever goes down, and they get it back up, the Average American will be happy with only one service: the Celebrity Death Beeper. Of course, this could all turn out to be hype. Most of my friends have strong doubts that the "Change" Barack Obama represents means anything beyond being an effective ad slogan. My own view is more complex. Personally, I don't see the next President as a token figurehead or a liberal messiah, but as a dedicated political realist. As Obama himself explains, "since the founding, the American political tradition has been reformist, not revolutionary." He appears to be actutely conscious of the comprimises he makes and the games he's playing, and he's got a larger vision behind everything he's doing. Tuesday, December 30, 2008.
![]() Monday, December 29, 2008.
Forget Hamas - it's all about the home front
As the new Sparta of the Middle East runs roughshod over the laws of morality and basic human decency, Israel's amen corner in the U.S. is going into overdrive in an effort to prettify one of the ugliest incidents in a decade of unmitigated cruelty and brutality. All the familiar "progressive" voices – with certain sterling exceptions – are suddenly stilled: we hear nothing from our Democratic politicians, those fabled agents of "change," except expressions of support for Israel's war crimes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declares that Israel has "the right to defend itself," without deigning to inform us as to whether the Palestinians have the same right. Given her record as AIPAC's most reliable congressional ally, who can always be counted on to echo the Israel-first party line, one assumes not. Powerful foreign affairs committee chair Howard Berman concurs, as does our about-to-be-sworn-in chief executive. ![]() RAW STORY ![]() hahahahaha.... I can't help but wonder how much Jr. will spend of YOUR TAX DOLLARS on PR to make him self look good. Remember, the Bush Administration Spent Over $1.6 Billion on Advertising and Public Relations Contracts Since 2003, GAO REPORT Finds, and that report was merely from 03 through 06... If the hubris of that wasn't enough, mostly to keep the war going, Imagine how much the narcissistic bastard will allocate of YOUR money ahead of time to make himself look good after leaving office. ![]() MSNBC Scrubs Bush ad Story. Posted Monday, March 8, 2004 n a Newsweek article posted on MSNBC's web site, Michael Isikoff includes this paragraph: Another, less publicized aspect of the ad flap: Everyone but the firefighters were paid actors. The firefighters posing in a firehouse was "stock" film footage of volunteer firefighters -- shot and available for purchase to the general public. When the article was originally published over the weekend, the article instead contained this paragraph: Another less-publicized aspect of the ad flap: the use of paid actors—including two playing firefighters with fire hats and uniforms in what looks like a fire station. "Where the hell did they get those guys?" cracked Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, which has endorsed John Kerry, when he first saw the ads. (A union spokesman said the shots prompted jokes that the fire hats looked like the plastic hats "from a birthday party.") "There's many reasons not to use real firemen," retorted one Bush media adviser. "Mainly, its cheaper and quicker." View the archived version of the original scrubbed article here. Finally, As we enter the final months of the Bush administration, Bush's legacy seems to be the topic on the mind of many political pundits. Yet what type of legacy will George Bush leave?George W. Bush's legacy ... Hell, if I was using YOUR money, I'd have one hell of a legacy blitz... Oh, one last thing, Jr. & Co. still has time on the clock... three more weeks, until the fucking whistle blows. Sunday, December 28, 2008.
(via Orcinus)
Saturday, December 27, 2008.
![]() ![]() Trap people like rats in an open air prison then bomb the fuck out of them from the air... Coward motherfuckers wont go in on the ground cause they'd get their ass handed to them... ![]() ![]() I think it is about time to bring back the parallel: Gaza = Warsaw Ghetto. ![]() there is also a serious need for work here to try to bring the truth about these attacks to the American audience since Israel flew US made and sold F16s and Apaches that drop the bombs. Israel could not do what it does without US approval - and while I am not hopeful that we can change US policy, we sure need to try. Also see, ![]() When, in a movie, you see a gun on a table, you can be sure someone will be shot within the next hour. Likewise, when yesterday Israel allowed 90 trucks into Gaza to deliver humanitarian assistance, you knew an attack was imminent. — Bernard Chazelle ![]() The civilians in Gaza need your help now! ![]() "Some targets were hit twice, particularly in the eastern part of Gaza City, so that the second strike killed rescue workers and people rushing to help victims of the first strike." ![]() Your tax dollars paid for this. Monday, December 22, 2008.
![]() ![]() It isn't just the economy or the environment or the wars and rumors of wars - it's damn near everything. "Hell in a hand basket" doesn't make the grade either. Where is the relief? Even those who hoped that things might brighten up with the ascendancy of Barack Obama are finding holes in their armor of "hope" and "change". It's as if we were bolted into the tarmac at the intersection of several runways. Toward each one of them a massive, crippled Airbus heads in for a crash landing, landing gear up, engines aflame, air brakes screaming. Under the circumstances, it's hard to look even at the most immediate questions: "Is my money really gone?" "Will I have a place to live?" "A job?" "Food?" "How long before things are 'normal' again?" "Months?" "Years?" "Ever?" For some, a darkness has already come. For others . . . soon, I'm afraid. It's numbing, that's what it is. In this context, examining the phenomena described in the title of this article, however onerous and overwhelming, is crucial. It is these issues, rooted as they are in power, which decide what path humanity takes from this crossroad. The implications of these trends and their convergence are serious and immediate. Very little can be "done about them", except making personal and community choices and spreading awareness and insisting on discussion. To the point . . . To begin, two terms should be defined - "The Singularity" and "Transhumanism". We'll rely on Wikipedia for both (see the articles to read footnotes): The technological singularity is a theoretical future point of unprecedented technological progress, caused in part by the ability of machines to improve themselves using artificial intelligence.[1]Please remember that last part. We'll come back to it. The second term: Transhumanism (symbolized by H+ or h+),[1] a term often used as a synonym for "human enhancement", is an international, intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical characteristics and capacities, and overcome what it regards as undesirable and unnecessary aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death. Transhumanist thinkers study the possibilities and consequences of developing and using human enhancement techniques and other emerging technologies for these purposes. Possible dangers, as well as benefits, of powerful new technologies that might radically change the conditions of human life are also of concern to the transhumanist movement.[2]Here is the gist: (1) in the not too distant future (some say between four and ten years), "robotic/artificial intelligence" will surpass human intelligence and robots will be able to create themselves and (2) at the same time, we will have the technology to determine our own evolution, perhaps into something "superhuman" or even "suprahuman". It is not as if all this is a big secret. "Sensationalist" stories about scientific "breakthroughs" are ubiquitous in both the mainstream and alternative media. Robots have been around for decades and have become quite sophisticated. The notion of "human enhancement" has been a fact of human life since an early humanoid picked up a stick and a stone, then discovered the wheel. Every tool we use is an enhancement, per se. For millenia, mankind has concerned itself with making bigger, better, more destructive sticks and stones, faster, more powerful wheels. Here is where the problems arise. We are become immune to "sensationalism". News of scientific "advances" are received with a kind of learned ho-hum. And we thus are being passively indoctrinated, accepting these new phenomena uncritically as "progress". Above, in the quoted definition of "The Singularity" was the observation that, "Following its introduction in Vinge's stories, particularly Marooned in Realtime and A Fire Upon the Deep, the singularity has also become a common plot element throughout science fiction . . ." The issue is that science fiction and science fact are becoming the same thing, the lines among past, present, and future are amorphous. The difference between dystopia and utopia is unclear. What is clear is that such science is literally out of control. The result is a tyranny producing de facto "techno-fascism". To underline the point, here's a snip of a counterpunch piece of June, 2008 by Chellis Glendinning, "Techno-Fascism: Every Move You Make", which notes, “Inverted totalitarianism,” as [political scientist Sheldon Wolin] calls it in his recent Democracy Incorporated, “lies in wielding total power without appearing to, without establishing concentration camps, or enforcing ideological uniformity, or forcibly suppressing dissident elements so long as they remain ineffectual.” To Wolin, such a form of political power makes the United States “the showcase of how democracy can be managed without appearing to be suppressed.” . . .In the West, "fascism" is a sexy buzzword. As such, its meaning becomes amorphous. If by the term we mean the obliteration of the lines among technology, government, and private power; if we mean the absence of democracy and the rise of a totalitarian force, the term is apt. The fundamental questions are, "Who chooses?" "Who controls?" "Is it good or bad?" "How will it be used?" Or perhaps even more basic - "Who are we?" "What is 'a human', 'humanity', 'life'?" "What is progress?" There are a few in the scientific community who are asking these questions. Michael Anissimov, author of Accelerating Future, is one. His recent post, "The Terasem Movement 4th Colloquium on the Law of Futuristic Persons" is a good example to read. Think about what he writes here: Do we need to think about ethics for robots (an inclusive term for AI and virtual/physical bots). Yes, beginning now. Robots are already making decisions that effect humans good or bad. Initially in very limited areas, these will quickly expand. Several ethical questions: Does society want computers and robots making important decisions? This gets into issues of society’s comfort with technology. Are robots the kind of entities capable of making moral decisions? The bulk of this book looks at how we can make ethics computationally tractable, something that can be programmed in today or technology with the very near future. Not just predictions that we will have human-level computers.Please read the first few sentences at least once more. These are not toys, although they are marketed as such. Cute little R2D2s and C3POs taking our kids to the playground? Who programs these things? What about those adorable robo-pets? Is there a doomsday chip and/or program in there somewhere? Nick Bostrum is another scientist who advocates a cautious approach. His web site has always had the following introduction: I want to make it possible to think more rationally about big picture questions.Indeed. But who are "we"? The discussion must do its best to inform not just scientists, not just "the ruling/owning class", but all of humanity. In and of itself, no scientific or technological development has an intrinsic moral value. That value is determined by its use. Its use is determined by its owner. And you don't own this stuff. If you buy a robotic AI unit and you're not in control of both its hardware and software, you are at its mercy. Furthermore, these new machines are touted as potentially smarter than their original makers and able to learn. Learn what? The original creators of this technology are, well, humans. The initial rules, the basic assumptions, the algorithms are all human-made. Considering the plight of humanity and its home, a dire situation brought on itself in the name of "progress", skepticism is, at the very least, healthy. I chose that word carefully. For example, although I will only mention it, but not explore it here, the field of eugenics has gained some momentum. It also has met with a great deal of critical examination. It's relation to population control and the "new world order" raises some monumental questions. Conspiracy of the elites or not, again, the question that must be asked - and answered - is, "who chooses?" Humanity as a species has not demonstrated two essential qualities which will prove necessary to its own survival - restraint and humility. As an atheist, I cannot for one minute think, "Just do it. God will sort it out. Everything gonna be OK." Because that's what we've been doing and everything is not OK. Our greatest talent has been in developing the means of our own destruction (as well as a great deal of where we live and what we share it with). So to imagine that suddenly our own science will bail us out: Sheer, and probably fatal, denial. Also, as an atheist, I am able to stand away from biblical myth and emotionalism to appreciate, for example, the cautionary tales that the ancient writers imparted. The lesson of Adam's and Eve's banishment from the Garden, I believe, is quite simple: "Not everything that can be done, should be done." God didn't say this. A human did. One perhaps not as smart as Ray Kuzweil, Richard Dawkins, or PZ Myers, but, in my opinion, a great deal wiser than the three of them put together. The nasty serpent, I think, is not in our imagination, it is our imagination - childish, undisciplined, remarkably ignorant of consequences, driven by arrogance. God or not, we have not done well by ourselves. The "new atheism", as I see it, is complicit in and often drives this madness. Born as it is within the backlash against the abuses and downright destructiveness of evangelical "christian" zealotry and Muslim extremism, it is, in fact, zealotry itself. It is amoral, anti-intellectual, and ultimately nihilistic. And fashionable, oh, so fashionable. Anything goes. No rules. The conceit of science is such that it seems to believe that now god is out of the way, the only laws are the ones they make. We can twist and remake the laws of physics. We can make life. Nothing and everything is synthetic. We are what we make ourselves. One superficial reason this writer does not believe in god is that it hasn't bitch-slapped a few of these poor folks. Let me wind down with two thoughts. First, the absence of god from the position of CEO of the Universe does not mean that humans are qualified for the job. Second, we ignore at our peril that trusty old adage, "It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature". Be at peace. Categories: atheism, ecology, eugenics, genocide, narcissism, post-democracy, post-society, principles, responsibilities, techno-fascism, values, weapons ![]() The Story of Beatrice BiiraSee also: Redefine Christmas and Waste Free HolidaysLabels: humanitarianism, xmas Sunday, December 21, 2008.
Remember when, 'help was on the way', circa 04?
Well, well... the plot gets thicker. I smell <8)))><... and it's not fish head soup, more like horse head in the bed. Some live to tell their story: National News Briefs; Senator Lands Airplane After Propeller Falls Off
Also see, Rove Threat to Blackmail GOP IT Mastermind Triggers Immunity Request to Ohio AG by Election Lawyers ![]() Obama's Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling Obama expands his job stimulus plan, moving the goalposts from 2 to 3 million jobs to be created over a 2 year period. There are a few things that don't add up in this. First, these are largely jobs that cost the US economy money, instead of making it richer. And that economy is already so broke that any more additional costs will weigh heavily on it. Second, the expectations for the numbers of jobs lost in the economy are rising towards a cruel, eye-popping and devastating 1 million per month for 2009, and likely beyond. Creating 3 million jobs while a potential 24 million will be lost, it's not a very reassuring statistic. An era is over. We have been the last of the affluent, the carefree and the innocent. Not that we're really all that inncoent, mind you, it was all just pretense all the way, many millions of people have died for our affluence. We just never told ourselves their life stories. They will be our stories soon. Friday, December 19, 2008.
![]() Besides making an international celebrity out of Iraqi reporter Muntadar al-Zeidi, the now infamous shoe-throwing incident is cropping up in surprising ways across Iraq, where a population beaten and exhausted from years of war is once again finding its voice against the US military presence and the Iraqi government seen as its enablers. Wednesday, December 17, 2008.
![]() William Greider knows the way around the filibuster. Make it 55 votes not 60 for cloture. I learned from this article that you can do this with a simple majority vote in the US Senate. Of course, why didn't they do it last session? That would have helped the country, lots and lots probably. I really think this is essential if the Democrats are going to do anything. I just see this happy confluence of corporate dems and corporate republicans doing a lot of bi partisan "things" that I'm really going to hate. Lots. Related: This is also related to these two stories here and here. If the Democratic Party intends to get serious about governing, it can start by disabling the Republican filibuster that gives the minority party in the Senate a virtual veto over anything it wants to kill. The chatter in Washington assumes that since Democrats failed to gain a sixty-seat majority, there's nothing they can do. But that's not true. Democrats can change the rules and remove a malignant obstacle from the path of our new president. Given the emergency conditions facing the nation, why should Mitch McConnell and his right-wing colleagues get to decide what the Senate may vote on? This proposition disturbs the happy talk about the "postpartisan" politics Barack Obama has inspired. But let's get real. McConnell is making nice for the moment, having survived his re-election scare in Kentucky. But he will use the filibuster to stymie the new Democratic administration whenever it looks to him like a political opportunity for Republicans. Thanks mainly to McConnell, the 110th Congress of 2007-08 set a new record--138 cloture motions to limit debate and head off filibusters. That is double the level of ten years ago. Who really believes McConnell will voluntarily give up his starring role as Senator No? Labels: filibuster, Greider Tuesday, December 16, 2008.
![]() Monday, December 15, 2008.
![]() Booman has some positive things to say about Obama. (I'm personally excited about his appointment of Chu for energy...he's a for real alt fuels scientist....)
Makes sense. Now the bad news: what's happened in the last two years is that the republican filibuster stopped pretty much everything progressive that the dems wanted to do. We got 700 billion for rich fat cats, possibly 2 trillion unaccounted for by the fed, but nothing for the autoworkers. I'm trying to figure out how Obama beats this or whether he even wants to. Here's a key: don't let Bush spend the remaining half of that 700 billion. There's no plausible reason why they should. I mean, if it's that hard to get a lousy 15 billion, come on....Firedoglake puts it best:
Labels: bad obama, good obama Labels: nate silver Friday, December 12, 2008.
I'm Godsmacked that this Dkos post hasn't been deleted...
Greenwald: "One of things that often gets overlooked because these programs (Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition, etc.) are typically blamed on the Bush Administration - and rightfully so since they are the ones who conceived of it and first implemented - it is the extent of the complicity on the part of leading congressional democrats..." Video: BILL MOYERS sits down with political commentator and blogger Glenn Greenwald who asks: Are we a nation ruled by men or by laws? A former constitutional and civil rights lawyer, Greenwald looks at the legacy of the Bush Administration, the prospects for President-elect Obama's cabinet choices, as well as the possibilities for government accountability.
Eviction Day: Foreclosure Crisis Forces Man From Home
In the third quarter of 2008, more than 700,000 Americans faced foreclosure -- a new and troubling record. While mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced last month they would temporarily halt foreclosures and evictions from Thanksgiving to Jan. 9, the moratorium is likely to affect only a small percentage of homeowners. On a cold December morning, ANP witnessed an increasingly common, but rarely documented, tragedy: someone being evicted from his home. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Paulson Hire's Private Contractors to Handle Bailout with Billions of your money. Thursday, December 11, 2008.
![]() Since Gary Webb’s suicide four years ago, I have written annual retrospectives about the late journalist’s important contribution to the historical record -- he forced devastating admissions from the CIA about drug trafficking by the Nicaraguan contra rebels under the protection of the Reagan administration in the 1980s. News flash, it wasn't a suicide. Also see, Investigative journalist Gary Webb refused to be complicit. [Coke or Pepsi] and R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter Teaching children to use Windows is like teaching them to smoke tobacco—in a world where only one company sells tobacco. Not Free at Any Price proprietary software sucks ass, I try to use 'open source' wherever possible, which is becoming less and less due to the control issues. Monday, December 08, 2008.
![]() Sunday, December 07, 2008.
![]() A Fable of Blasphemy
According to the Torah, when the followers of Moses were stranded in the desert, beset by serpents and come to be poisoned, the father of their tribe would bring the ailing to a nearby cave to administer the cure. It consisted of the revelation of a bronze serpent afixed atop a ceremonial staff. Touch the serpent, he told them, and your illness will exorcised. Moses, before leading his people into exile, was himself a student of Egyptian magic and learned his craft while enslaved to that mighty empire. We cannot know if he learned the details of this ceremony from the Egyptians (or indeed that he existed in reality), but we can say that ceremonial staves surmounted by bronze serpents have been found in Egyptian tombs, and depictions of such staves are found throughout the various media of Egyptian art. In Egypt, the serpent was used iconically throughout the history of the Empire. Various sources vaguely categorize the Egyptian Uraeus as a protective charm. Fewer note that, as such, the protective function of the idol was one more example of what Egyptologists call apotropaic magic, the use of like to cast out like. In addition to serpents, the likeness of other animals were used to protect against the hostilities of those animals against mankind: jackal, falcon, crocodile, and so on. Egyptian society was organized into collectives called nomes, and each nome was symbolically resided over by a patron diety. Moses was born in the Land of Goshen near the Nile Delta, a portion of Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt's patron god was the Uraeus, also called Wadjet, the spirit of the Eye in the Pyramid, depicted so often as emerging from the foreheads of the Pharoahs. Whether or not the healing ceremony of the bronze serpent was performed by Jews in the deserts of Sinai, I cannot help but read its form as a semiotic reference to the casting off of Imperial shackles. For all those who enter in such communion, to commune with the symbols of the oppressor, to familiarize oneself with them, to use them, is to dispell the power of those symbols and to reconstitute a new system--or no system, if that is the healthy choice. That is the essence of magic. "Let each one go to his or her limit. Resist that which resists within you." Labels: magic, metafiction, politics, propaganda Politics as Unusual
Philip, I don't think Brainwash is criticizing Obama. The sentiment seems to be more that Obama is ultimately less important than the movement that has been created around him, and if you want to get anything done politically, you will always have to work with some segment of the population that's focused in a particular direction. Of late, the groundswell around Obama is the most powerful political segment--at least with regards to governance. Importantly, this is exactly what Obama said several times going into the election: his term in office isn't about "me" but about "all of you," that he wanted his supporters to hold him accountable, and that he would do everything he could to open government to the participation of The People. To some people, this sounds like political pandering. I think what the critics are missing is just how seriously this economy is going to hurt. People won't take things lying down after it gets to a certain point. The idea that they will in the future just because they have in the past is false. The "financial crisis" is an illusion which simultaneously distracts from the real economic problems (distribution of real goods and services rather than the movement of monetary "values" in a computer) and exacerbates the real problems by vacuuming money out of the economy. The quickest way I've thought of to describe the financial crisis is to say, Remember the food crisis a few months ago? The financial speculators were sequestering food in silos in order to raise demand for that food and thereby raise prices. This financial crisis is analogous. The banking sector is sequestering money from the economy in order to increase demand. Only the speculated payoff isn't higher monetary returns in the abstract, but political power. As we all know by now, Paulson broke the TARP. As shitty as the deal was, as much in the favor the banks it was, he broke it anyway and did whatever he (and his friends) wanted with the money. Rather than execute a massive purchase of assets from the private sector by the government, he helped the private sector consolidate their political power. And remember that the passing of this law constituted a major turning point in the election in favor of the Democrats. To repeat: Breaking the TARP was a calculated affront to the Democrats, Obama, and, it follows, to the majority of American voters. What we have is a staredown between the finance sector and just about everybody else, viewed via the fractured lens of two-party politics. Not all conservative accolades for Obama are given with the same motivation. Some are with the intent to shore up the cohesiveness of the Republican party. Some are with the intent to inspire paranoia in the Democratic ranks. Some are attempts to ingratiate the new ruling party. And some are made with the sincere belief that America must pass beyond the Republican vs. Democrat dynamic. It seems less meaningful to me now to regard conservatives as a bloc. Compiling a list of accolades from conservatives at this point, sorry $cam, gives the Republican party not only more power than they deserve, but more power than they will ever again be able to manage. What really matters now is the dynamic between the banking sector and everyone else. We can speculate about whether or not Obama represents the interests of "The People," but, again, those who think this line of inquiry is important are underestimating (deliberately or idly) the severity of the crisis. When people get hungry, they become conscious of their hunger and seek to do something about it. That's politics for you. Obama has claimed his election is an opening. The American public will take that opening, whether or not he's telling the truth.
Saturday, December 06, 2008.
![]() From the Daily Kos Gallery: Aside from the commitment to what sounds like a great progressive stimulus plan, one sentence struck me: Will your job or your husband’s job or your daughter’s job be the next one cut?. Read that closely. In a speech about universal fears and hardship, he is addressing his primary listeners as women. Never have I heard sentence construction like that from a president -- women addressed directly in a non-"women's issues" setting as legitimate, fully fledged and very concerned and invested breadwinners. The effect is stunning. I'm actually impressed with this guy's work ethic and again he's less likely to send me to a detention center for opposing the Iran war. Or Israel's war against Iran. Whatever. I don't care what that mysterious Johnny Brainwash sez... versus the Real News: and this: Tuesday, December 02, 2008.
![]() As Barack Obama's opus, Team of Rivals, continues its rolling debut, the early reviews are in and the "critics" are full of praise for the cast: Signed, Johnny Brainwash Maddow: Why wont Obama pursue war crimes, torture? I don’t really believe in “The People”, only people. My view of the polity owes as much to taoism and discordianism as it does to marxism, anarchism or whatever. Labels: activism, barack obama, Obama Monday, December 01, 2008.
![]() ![]()
Speaking of art, I have been recently thinking of some new projects and I resurrected an old idea I was thinking of putting forth in a new way: International Art Machine. So I bought and I was thinking of something like the old Defunker (which seems to have merged with BustedTees) wherein people could upload their designs - and not just for t-shirts but prints, coffee mugs, etc. And some profits to go to charity. So a user-generated art project, commerce site, good causes giver . . . if only there were a for 'web 2.0'? Anyone? Anyone? . . . Thanks to Klintron of Technoccult for the Obama link. Klintron is quite the bright young entrepreneur; he just launched an online store called: The Swift Fox. Plus, he has a model for a gf named Jillian who has her own online store featuring delectable handknit goods. Plus, he puts on "crazy happenings" . . . watch out for this kid, man. He's got cult following potential. Labels: alex grey, Art, banksy, friends, Obama, shepard fairey |
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Honorary HarbingersDr. Helen CaldicottNoam Chomsky Alexander Cockburn David Corn Barbara Ehrenreich BartCop Robert Fisk Laura Flanders William Gibson Amy Goodman Nat Hentoff Katrina vanden Heuvel Sander Hicks Jim Hightower Arianna Huffington Molly Ivins Naomi Klein George Lakoff Robert McChesney Richard Metzger Michael Moore Mark Morford Greg Palast Michael Parenti Geov Parrish John Pilger William Rivers Pitt Ted Rall Anita Roddick Douglas Rushkoff Edward Said R.U. Sirius Normon Solomon Bruce Sterling Helen Thomas Hunter S. Thompson Maria Tomchick Howard Zinn Harbingers Past & Present(In Order of Appearance)Kirsten Anderson Fred Pyen Andrew Abb Brooke Biggs A.Q. Jensen Adam Rice Mark Woods Mr. Planet JP Sal Salasin Eliot Gelwan Jerry Westerby Evan Daze Dirk Hine Tiffany Tomkinson Wylie Sypher Craig Jensen Steve L. Judith Lewis Steven Baum Jim Higgins Brian Lamb Tony Tross Stack Kendall Clark Cynthia Korzekwa Chris Eby Joe Somebody Lia Bulaong Turbulent Velvet Jason Lubyk Eldee Graham Freeman Richard Kahn Thorizine Bob Morris Robert Sieracki Pagan Moss Ray Davis Green Flash L Johnson Garret Vreeland Michael Webb Grant Williamson Phillip Shropshire Brad Olson James Capozzola Grady Olivier Back Space Martin Wisse Hash Steven Green Amir Butler Kebbie Marc Robinson Joseph Duemer Norm Jenson Zed Lopez Henning Bertram Helen & Harry Highwater Klint Finley Team sTaRe MC Distraction Cyndy Roy Kim Osterwalder George Kelly Valis Noah Shachtman Lawrence Green Michael LaMartina Bill Connolly George Partington Phil Leggiere Ray Sweatman Tate Engstrand Tommy Tompkins The Happy Tutor Kurt Nimmo Hanan Cohen Julia MadamJuJuJive Ashley Benigno Patton Price Eli Stephens Bruce Wilson Jeremy Wells Madeleine Kane Weird Pixie Bruce Benedict Spinoza HyperSpaceGirl John Fenderson Soy Joy James Benjamin William Blaze DDJango Citizen Daryl Joe Leftist John Walz Damon Taylor Mr. Spock Alec Kinnear Susan Michelle Fierro Northstar Harry MacDougal Rick Pietz Inspector Lohmann Trevor Blake Nick Lewis Cecil B. Demented Michael Miller Ben Gloria Brame Robin Herman Bob Hate Gun Shannon Hubbell Young Fox Teresa Ortega Cap'n Marrrrk Uncle $cam Lenin Mark Elf The Retropolitan Henry Baum Screwy Hoolie The Continental Op Morgaine Swann Ashton Dirk Buchholz . . . and your host: ![]() Dr. Menlo: censored by China, Blogsnob and "The Lefty Directory" ![]() Friends of the Samizdat100 WordsworthAlmocreve das Petas American Amnesia A-noticias be the water not the rock bird on the moon blacksundae Blog Left Blogistan Blowback Burst Transmission commonSci Corpus Callosum Counterpoint 2004 the Daily Vexation, by Pardue Duran Defensor Pacis Dehiscence Dirty Water dratfink Drunken Monkey Style Blogging Estimated Prophet Exquisite Corpse The Fix the floating baby moses syndrome Follow Me Here Mike Golby haha no serious The Hairy Eyeball hedgeblog Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio High Masculine Tones High Water I.D. FLUX ikastikos Incoming Signals information virus Interesting Monstah it is not about you it is not the same killer empathy Knoxville Underground The Left End of the Dial L'Alliance Liberal Oasis likesunday l∅ckedinab∅x lowgradepanic Marstonalia MaxSpeak ME AND OPHELIA misnomer Netron New World Disorder No-sword No Touch Monkey! notes from somewhere bizarre Obscurantist onegoodmove Orcinus PageCount Palace Chime pleasant Post-atomic Prana Designs Progressive Blog Alliance Progressive Gold Que Bola randomWalks RANTISSIMO reading & writing remake/remodel The River Sassafrass Log Shou? - Igor Boog skimble skippy the bush kangaroo Social Design Notes StoutDemBlog thoughts on the eve of the apocalypse Time Is Tight 3 River Tech Review to the teeth UnaBlogger Unknown News Used Car Sales Wallybrane's Martian Adventures Warblogger Watch We Don't Agree, But Wealth Bondage weblog without a name mike.whybark The Wily Filipino Wis[s]e Words wood's lot Word for Word Youngfox Canada Yoyo Regime Archives2002 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2007 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2008 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2009 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2010 January February March April May |