Saturday, June 30, 2007.
![]() ![]() See also: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. [Their latest tv ad breaks my bleeding heart. That dog that looks up to with one eye poked out? Fucking kills me.] Labels: animal cruelty, animal rights, compassion for animals
Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience
Dual Use Discipline for Understanding & Managing Complexity and Altering Warfare by John Stanton John Stanton is a Virginia based writer specializing in political and national security affairs. Excerpts: Complexity (the number of ways-hows-and-whys a system can act) may become an anachronism as novel research demystifies consciousness reducing human complexity to a deterministic system. Biomachines that bypass time consuming conscious activity ultimately may be fielded by the DOD. In the United States, the ongoing obsession with national security and the enormous funding necessary to soothe a national psyche of fear and war is a key driver for enhancing security thereby eliminating the uncertainty of daily living. ECN may generate predictive and diagnostic biotechnologies to reduce tension. Such a development could eliminate much uncertainty and concomitant drama in human affairs by providing leaders with assets to manage the complexities in brain-behavior relationships. To get there though, reliable data on human beings, as they function as interconnected consumers, warfighters, enemies, refugees, diplomats, criminals, and citizens of their respective nations will need to be collected and assessed. The entire effort depends on the application of general Evolution and Evolutionary Psychology. Neuroweapons may be an outcome of ECN R&D programs. It is likely that DOD may classify as Top Secret programs that seek to turn the speed of thought into a weapon, or programs that blur the line between human and machine. With classification, no one may ever know of the existence of such programs. Some in the scientific community have suggested that, beyond the development of neuro-biomachinery and genetic manipulation, non-traceable neuroweapons with viral genetic payloads may be used to disrupt the brain and central nervous system. As a result, the creation of neurosecurity advisory and/or ethics boards may be required to keep R&D and testing efforts in bounds. Biomachines that bypass time consuming conscious activity ultimately may be fielded by the DOD. Creepy, indeed eh? Sure, this may actually be our evolutionary outcome. But I'll be damned if the Deparment of Defence is spearheading it! Along the same lines: Harnessing humans for subconscious computing Technology Review has an article on using humans as part of a digital face recognition system. Uniquely, you don't have to take part in any deliberate recognition, the system uses electrical readings to automatically measure the response of the brain - even if you're not aware of it. Finally, Strategic Personality Simulation: personality simulation systems ? For Personality Profiling and Simulation? Welcome to Huntingdonian culture and total war. All war, all the time. It's a pkd world now, where you are the battleground. Friday, June 29, 2007.
Obama would consider missile strikes on Iran
U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama suggested Friday that the United States one day might have to launch surgical missile strikes into Iran and Pakistan to keep extremists from getting control of nuclear bombs. ****
From Fall, 2004 when bombing folks was a bit more popular among the numbnut populace. Thursday, June 28, 2007.
![]() EASILY lost, on page 425, in the mass of the CIA's notorious "Family Jewels" files is a short paragraph outlining "potentially embarrassing Agency activities". Agency's Strangeloves altered mind of a girl aged 4 And you paid to have it done.
inspired by this post and angry making vid at mefi.
Also along these lines, Deadly "wrong door" Paramilitary Police Raids in USA Finally, as if these things were enough, Special Ops ready for missions on American soil? About time eh? They have been using the well trained and highly paid officers of the FBI to carry out the trash for far too long. Now all those returning vets who distinguished themselves in Haditha can be rewarded with a stateside job where they can continue to hone their skills, and at the same time keep the FBI agents out of harms way from the scum sucking bastards who pay their wages. Uh, thats us... How you guys liking the slow stroll to fascism? Last month, Brian Kelly of Carlisle, Pa., was riding with a friend when the car he was in was pulled over by a local police officer. Kelly, an amateur videographer, had his video camera with him and decided to record the traffic stop. REAL ID vote tomorrow - fax your senators
See UnReal ID for more information and to fax your senators.
Today (June 28) is the anniversary (1969) of the Stonewall Riots in New York City. Wikipedia states: Details about how the riot started vary from story to story. According to one account, a transgender woman named Sylvia Rivera threw a bottle at a police officer after being prodded by his nightstick. Another account states that a lesbian being brought to a patrol car through the crowd put up a struggle that encouraged the crowd to do the same . Whatever the case may be, mêlée broke out across the crowd—which quickly overtook the police. Stunned, the police retreated into the bar. [...] Throughout the night the police singled out many transgender people and gender nonconformists, including butch women and effeminate men, among others, often beating them. On the first night alone 13 people were arrested and four police officers, as well as an undetermined number of protesters, were injured. It is known, however, that at least two rioters were severely beaten by the police. Bottles and stones were thrown by protesters who chanted “Gay Power!” The crowd, estimated at over 2000, fought with over 400 police officers. The police sent additional forces in the form of the Tactical Patrol Force, a riot-control squad originally trained to counter Vietnam War protesters. The tactical patrol force arrived to disperse the crowd. However, they failed to break up the crowd, who sprayed them with rocks and other projectiles. [...] Eventually the scene quieted, but the crowd returned again the next night. While less violent than the first night, the crowd had the same energy as it had on the previous night. Skirmishes between the rioters and the police ensued until approximately 4:00 a.m.. The third day of rioting fell five days after the raid on the Stonewall Inn. On that Wednesday, 1,000 people congregated at the bar and again caused extensive property damage. [...] The forces that were simmering before the riots were now no longer beneath the surface. The community created by the homophile organizations of the previous two decades had created the perfect environment for the creation of the Gay Liberation Movement. By the end of July the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was formed in New York and by the end of the year the GLF could be seen in cities and universities around the country. Similar organizations were soon created around the world [...]. The following year, in commemoration of the Stonewall Riots, the GLF organized a march from Greenwich Village to Central Park. Between 5,000 and 10,000 men and women attended the march. Many gay pride celebrations choose the month of June to hold their parades and events to celebrate “The Hairpin Drop Heard Round the World."
Thank you to all those who have come before us who made the world a better place. More specifically, thank you to those who have moved homosexuality from 'sin' to 'mental illness' to 'lifestyle' to whatever it may be today and tomorrow. Some of those who came before us worked quietly, some publicly; some worked civilly, and some used physical force. I think some of each ended up having their place in making the world as it is today. And I think our work is not yet done. Where work is needed most is not same-sex marriage, nor renters rights, nor lessening job discrimination, or passing 'hate speech' laws. These just aren't the most important or terrible things happening to homosexuals right now. The most important and terrible thing happening right now is that homosexual men (and sometimes women) are being put to death in Islamic countries. Being stoned to death really and truly is worse than being called a faggot, no matter what cultural relativists may have to say on the subject. All things are related but all things are not equally related. Efforts to make this a better world should continue in many areas, but "people being killed to appease an invisible monster that lives in the sky" trumps what I think much of the West pays attention to on Pride day. That noise about respecting diversity and honoring ancient traditions and the hands-off policy religion gets? That's all over now. When people stop dying, we can play nice-nice with theists again. And so on this Pride day for 2007, I will do two things. I will give thanks where thanks is due. And I will suggest that more efforts need to be made toward saving homosexuals in Islamic counties. Homosexuality is still at the 'sin' stage in Islamic countries. Not in the all-but secular way the West talks about sin, but in the way religions have talked about sin throughout history: as a kind of germ that physically exists and must be physically destroyed. Amnesty International has done some work on this topic. The International Society for Islamic Secularization has done some work on this topic as well. Jack Malebranche's book Androphilia isn't specifically on this topic, but is in agreement on this topic. What work will you do today? Labels: superstition, theocracy Wednesday, June 27, 2007.
Within the architecture of denial and duplicity: The Democratic Party and the infantile omnipotence of the ruling class
The way I see it -- there are a lot of things you can and should do. And to embrace as many of them as possible really can't hurt. I mean, maybe you can say, "Hey, we shouldn't pass a law because these band-aids – these reforms – because they are going to make the system more livable, more tolerable. And we should actually do things to increase suffering in order to foment a revolution." A lot of people take that view. But I don't see it that way. I think anything that reduces suffering shouldn't be ignored. Sunday, June 24, 2007.
Features my favorite female playing tuba in a jazz rock band.
Labels: favorite female playing tuba in a jazz rock band, music
We aren't angry that you criticize the dems. We're annoyed when you don't offer constructive alternatives to the dems. That seems counter productive. For example, you might say, "The dumbocrats sux! green."
And then I would say "Underfunded Green campaigns go no place fast." And then you would say, "I've figured out a way for a third party candidate to win without money!" And then I would say "WTF! Don't keep it to yourself tell us how!" or something. So anyway, I was reading Common Dreams (with comments now by the way) and here's a version of the Uncle Scam argument but notice he gives you some proposals. That's all we're asking for. Give options a chance. Don't sour me on the dems so that republican nominee Pat Robertson wins in a landslide.... Labels: Options Please Uncle Scam une 5 Tuesday, June 5th, 2007
Rest of the transcript here. He can also be seen talking at the bestest music channel that I've ever created here and above. Labels: amy goodman, economic hitman, john perkins In 1955, 560,000 people in the United States were being treated for mental health problems in state hospitals. Adjusting for population increase, we would expect there to be about 930,000 individuals being treated in state hospitals today. This is not the case. Fewer than 55,000 people are being treated in such facilities.
Here's your opposition/ progressive party...
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) was told by other Democrats to withdraw an amendment that would have required House members to lease hybrids and other alternative-fuel vehicles if they wanted taxpayers to foot the bill. please stop bashing the democrats... ;-( Saturday, June 23, 2007.
![]() Confidence in Congress has hit an all-time low. A mere 14 percent of Americans tell Gallup pollsters that they have a great deal or quite a lot of faith in the US House and Senate.Since Gallup began using the current measure of confidence in Congress in 1973, the worst rating had been the 18 percent figure accorded it in the early years of the 1990s, when the House was being rocked by scandals that would eventually see a number of top Democratic lawmakers rejected in their own party primaries and the “Republican revolution” vote of 1994. .
Hillary booed for her stance on the Iraq war she voted for:
Obviously there were some actual thinkers in the crowd- considering her actions, not her rhetoric. Have you noticed the political arm of the elite is as far removed from reality on one side of the uniparty aisle as the other? Take exception to the uniparty label? think the Democrats are our only hope? Clinton and Obama Raiding Donors Who Backed Bush Even NeoCons love Obama: ...a surprising new name joined the chorus of praise for the antiwar Obama – that of Robert Kagan, a leading neoconservative and co-founder of the Project for the New American Century in the late 1990s, which called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Mr Bush has the same stands. Let Robert Kagan breathelessly inform you: He wants the American military to "stay on the offense, from Djibouti to Kandahar," and he believes that "the ability to put boots on the ground will be critical in eliminating the shadowy terrorist networks we now face." He wants to ensure that we continue to have "the strongest, best-equipped military in the world." Read the full article. See what the Obama component of "The opposition" thinks. Bases in Iraq forever? You bet- our hands on the gas pump- well Halliburtons, the oil companies, etc; fascism is a merging of corporate and state power, so yup, our hands. Look:
Thursday, June 21, 2007.
National Security Archive Update, June 21, 2007
THE CIA's FAMILY JEWELS Agency Violated Charter for 25 Years, Wiretapped Journalists and Dissidents CIA Announces Declassification of 1970s "Skeletons" File, Archive Posts Justice Department Summary from 1975, With White House Memcons on Damage Control Washington DC, June 21, 2007 - The Central Intelligence Agency violated its charter for 25 years until revelations of illegal wiretapping, domestic surveillance, assassination plots, and human experimentation led to official investigations and reforms in the 1970s, according to declassified documents posted today on the Web by the National Security Archive at George Washington University. THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals. Osama bin Laden may have chartered a plane that carried his family members and Saudi nationals out of the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks, said FBI documents released Wednesday. more Wednesday, June 20, 2007.
Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan to limit government action affecting religious practice has won support from some religious leaders [...] The Democratic governor said his bill would ensure that state and local laws and regulations, "wherever possible and consistent with the state's important interests, accommodate religious beliefs and practices."
[...] The New York State Catholic Conference wants the legislation to go further and include exemptions for people of faith to follow their conscience. "The bill also needs to ensure protecting Catholic service providers, such as Catholic hospitals, from having to perform abortions or Catholic institutions from having to give contraceptives to employees," said Dennis Poust, director of communication for the conference. [Article continues at link. I am very much in favor of Catholic service providers, such as Catholic hospitals, to not be forced to perform abortions or give contraceptives to employees. They are private, voluntary organizations and should be free to do as they please. But to be private enough to do as they please and to simultaneously public enough to demand non-profit tax-free status is unacceptable. You get one or the other, not both.] Labels: superstition, theocracy
The sprawling $43 billion homeland security department is known for being in charge of America's color-coded terrorist-threat alarm system, a sham that obscures HSD's real mission:
to serve as a giant federal cookie jar for corporate America. Titled "Taking Charge of Federal Personnel," it showed the Bushites how to storm into office and seize control of every agency. It stressed that they "must make appointment decisions based on loyalty first and expertise second," that "the whole governmental apparatus must be If you think the DEMS are not FEEDING AT THE CORPORATE TROUGH... read, think again. Sadly, our Govt. is being DIS-MANTELED from the inside.
Of course, this ongoing assault is not even being talked about by the so called "progressive" blogs, for example dkos etc...
These tactics are complete in they're profundities of systematic war crimes. Tuesday, June 19, 2007.
Neil Young's site Living with War Today offers up, at last count, 1915 current protest songs.
As you take in your daily dose of shocking, scary and unsettling information that is so much of the current portrait of todays overculture news listen to these musical manifestations of hope. When folks stop calling out corporate deathculture then hope seems about gone. Until that happens it's just part of the bumpy ride to a world of peace, justice, dignity, decency- you know, Humanity, writ large. Long time comin'... they can and will curb your voice in specific instances, through intimidation and litigation; in any and all instances if they possibly can. We (bloggers and the free internet) are the last bastion of freedom and democracy...and you know they can't let that stand. Why is it, --and when did it come about that--, all these legislation titles (example:The Free Flow of Information Act) have become foremost and always the opposite of their their intended nomenclature? Of course this is not a new phenomena, but it has become extreme under the Clinton/Bush era axis. The Committee of Oversight and Government Reform has released its initial findings after investigating the use of parallel email accounts by officials in Bush's White House. 88 eh? Also see, Those RNC email accounts... Hersh's new article has brought the topic up again, so it might be worth a refresher -- particularly if you or anyone else still clings to the "bad apples" thesis. Saturday, June 16, 2007.
Bernhard over at MOA has an scary but must read post...
New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. -- A 24-year-old woman fatally stabbed her 2-year-old son and cut herself, telling officers later that she was "trying to kill the law of non-contradiction," authorities said. Police in the Gulf Coast community northwest of Tampa said Jessica Warren was in the hospital Friday with non-life-threatening cuts on her arms after Thursday evening's incident.
When Warren is medically stable, she will be charged with murder in the death of her son, Jeremiah Oshinkanlu, who turned 2 last month, police said. It was initially reported that the child was 3 years old. Officers were called to the family's home at about 5:30 p.m. Thursday after Jeremiah's uncle stopped by to check on them and found the boy dead in a pool of blood and Warren conscious but bleeding, police said. Neighbors said they thought Warren had been living in the house less than a year. [Just one more of the thousands of atheist-caused murders that occur every year around the world.] Labels: superstition Friday, June 15, 2007.
![]() "Bradley J. Schlozman is systematically attempting to purge all Civil Rights appellate attorneys hired under Democratic administrations,"the lawyer wrote, saying that he appeared to be "targeting minority women lawyers" in the section and was replacing them with "white, invariably Christian men." The lawyer also alleged that "Schlozman told one recently hired attorney that it was his intention to drive these attorneys out of the Appellate Section so that he could replace them with 'good Americans.'" Don't let these feel good articles fool you. For every Christian ideologue they uncover there are three more to take their places. The federalist society has infiltrated and infested our whole legal system.
I know the conservative myth that PBS is some kind of hotbed for liberalism isn’t true, but to see the network go out of its way to prove its conservative bona fides is disconcerting.
Two months ago, PBS gave Richard Perle a whole hour to repeat discredited neocon arguments about Iraq and the Middle East, including the notion that Saddam Hussein had a working relationship with al Qaeda, and the bizarre argument that Osama bin Laden’s “network has been destroyed.” As Media Matters noted, Perle’s PBS special “made a series of assertions about the Iraq war that have already been shown to be false.” It appears that PBS is going down a similar road this month, with a special on religious liberty called “Wall of Separation.” The “wall of separation” is a metaphor deeply embedded in the American consciousness. Most Americans assume that the First Amendment prevents the mixing of politics and religion. The freedom of religion clauses protect individuals from the entanglement of religion with government and secure the right to freely exercise religious faith. America is a religiously pluralistic culture guided by a secular government. Uh oh. This reads a bit like a pamphlet from Focus on the Family. In fact, “Wall of Separation” is a production of Boulevard Pictures, which explained on its website that this PBS special will explain that the Founding Fathers had “a radically different definition” of religious liberty than what we have today, and that “the modern understanding of the role of religion in the public square is exactly the opposite of what the Founders intended.” If this is starting to sound to you like religious right claptrap, we’re on the same page. more...
Also see this bizarre interview:
The pentagon's new map. TB: Remember, the key thing is that oil has to flow, investment has to flow, people have to flow, and security has to flow. Again, to emphasize that theme, war falls within that context of everything else. There are the four great flows, so to speak, that define globalization's ability to expand: They are the flow of energy, the flow of people, the flow of investment, and the flow of security. Without security, energy won't move, people won't move, money won't move. So the notion that if America pulls back its military from the world, this will somehow lead to less conflict and more stability is wrong. here's the money quote TB: What we need to do with the globalization map, so to speak, is to identify the big sources of violence, position ourselves around them, and shrink them over time. We are the only ones who can go somewhere and do things and help. Through our power, military and economic, we can establish stability. We are not interested in empire. When we export security to places that lack it, we do not seek to extend our rule. yowza! “The Defense Department budget last year was three-quarters of a trillion dollars. I guarantee you that when war becomes that profitable, there will be more of it.” —Chalmers Johnson, 2005
Sibel Edmonds and Henry Waxman's Silence
"Henry Waxman knows very well who Sibel Edmonds is; he can't plead ignorance. He has heard her testimony behind closed doors... But despite the shock and outrage that Waxman apparently expressed when he heard the full classified version of Edmonds' allegations, his answer to the former translator and her grassroots supporters has been silence. Absolute silence. " For Five friggin years...Sibel Edmonds has begged for hearings. In this interview with Armenian Weekly, Sibel Edmonds asks you to call Henry Waxman and demand hearings into her case, just as he has promised for 5 years. Here's Part 1: Sibel Edmonds wants hearings Pt 1 Bonus: Lest ye forget: "little-noticed provision" to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as "disruptors" does this remind anybody else of Stalins, Article 58 (RSFSR Penal Code) Coming, as he does, from Fox News, Tony Snow is obviously a deeply cynical fellow, but this takes some beating: Asked to comment Wednesday on the bloodbath in Gaza, he answered: "Ultimately, the Palestinians are going to have to sort out their politics and figure out which pathway they want to pursue — the pathway toward two states living peaceably side-by-side, or whether this sort of chaos is going to become a problem." Labels: coups, Israel/Palestine Thursday, June 14, 2007.
![]() The Attorney General supposedly had his wings clipped by Congress on June 4th when they voted to rescind the authority he had been (quite sneakily) granted under the Patriot Act reauthorization - the authority to appoint "interim" US Attorneys. As this post shows, they're not pussies, they are complicit.
We all know who Mikey Weinstein is. The Jewish guy who stands between us & Theocracy, fighting the takeover of the military by the Theocrats. Even those of us who thought we knew how bad it was don't have a clue how dire it is. This is Essential Reading:
We currently have 737 U.S. military installations that the Pentagon acknowledges. It’s actually closer to a thousand military installations scattered around the globe -- in 132 countries. On every one of those military installations, we have something called the Officers' Christian Fellowship, for the officers, and for the enlisted folks, the Christian Military Fellowship. Clearly, this could not happen without approval from the hierarchy in the Pentagon. Michael L. Weinstein: Actually, it’s happening top-down, I think. And it’s been going on for quite awhile. We think it started in 1972 when the draft ended. The theory for having a draft was that we were pulling from what we now call blue and red states, conscripting people into the military. Of course, a lot of them were pissed off coming in, and when you’re pissed off, even a spoonful of sugar doesn’t make the Jesus go down. But since we ended the draft, going to the full volunteer force in 1972, now we’re pulling mostly from what we call red states, where there’s a lot of this blending of a virulent form of dominionist Christianity –- essentially predatory Christianity -– with patriotism. Do you know that in this country in 1970, we only had ten mega-Evangelical churches, meaning those with 2,000 or more members? But after 9/11, a new mega-Evangelical church has opened up in our country every 48 hours. The train has left the station many times over and over and over again, and it always goes to one town, Slaughterville. Average Americans, docile and supine, need to get off their asses and realize that this is happening. We have to take our country back, which means simply following our Constitution of 200 years -- and Constitutional U.S. Supreme Court case law. Also see, Justice Dept. Reshapes Its Civil Rights Mission Civil Rights and DOJ: All About God Now. According to the article, the changes are evident in a number of areas including: * Intervening in federal court cases on behalf of religion-based groups like the Salvation Army that assert they have the right to discriminate in hiring in favor of people who share their beliefs even though they are running charitable programs with federal money. Wednesday, June 13, 2007.
Sho wouldda been a bitch if JackAss Party presidential nominee were actually a Democrat. Never fear, if Obamination is yr. choice.
“The Iranian governments uses the billions of dollars it earns from its oil and gas industry to build its nuclear program and to fund terrorist groups that export its militaristic and radical ideology to Iraq and throughout the Middle East,” Obama said in a statement released by his office this week. “Pressuring companies to cut their financial ties with Iran is critical to ensuring that sanctions have their intended result.” Please stop bashing the Democrats '-( Tuesday, June 12, 2007.
![]() Monday, June 11, 2007.
![]() Your Tax Dollars at Work
BERKELEY A Berkeley watchdog organization that tracks military spending said it uncovered a strange U.S. military proposal to create a hormone bomb that could purportedly turn enemy soldiers into homosexuals and make them more interested in sex than fighting. more
In the mainstream press — and even in much of the leftysphere — commentary about atheism routinely boils down to this:
1. Atheists question religion, which has caused many wars, acts of terrorism, and so on. Hmm, maybe they have a point… 2. Nah, using little or no documentation, I’ve decided that atheists are a bunch of angry freaks. Unlike the people who cling to ancient supernatural beliefs, atheists are unreasonable. Screw ‘em! [...] Even though these authors tell us we’re right, we are still adjudged as wrong, and our writings are “stupid,” unlike those sensible stories where a guy houses every species of flora and fauna in the world for over a month on a homemade boat, or where a virgin’s resurrected son ascends bodily to heaven. Labels: superstition Saturday, June 09, 2007.
![]() NOT Paris Hilton: Dying to Feel Better
more Friday, June 08, 2007.
From the German Press Agency (dpa), via the tiny Backnanger Kreiszeitung in south Germany, via the excellent Andreas Hauss: US agents tested G8 security by "smuggling explosives".
NEWS TICKER The perfect alibi. Never to be questioned.
King Middle School, Berkeley, May 24, 2007. Surprising as it might seem in a contemporary political landscape where mocking religion is an established liberal pastime, and where Christianity and spirituality are most often associated with conservatism, it was Hitchens -- now loathed by the left for not toeing the party line over the Iraq War -- who attacked religion, while the neo-Socialist, anti-patriotic, radical Hedges volunteered for the seemingly topsy-turvy position of having to defend spirituality and the existence of God.
How did this strange state of affairs come to pass? In one word: Islam. The left -- of which Hitchens was a part until recently -- has always been anti-religion. But now, they've become caught in a philosophical bind: how can they promote multiculturalism -- and by extension all non-Western cultures, such as fundamentalist Islam -- if they condemn religion in general? Neocon pundits have since 9/11 frequently accused the left of being in bed with Muslim extremists, a charge which the left has vehemently denied. [Article continues at link.] Labels: superstition Thursday, June 07, 2007.
![]() The recent revelations of Cheney's involvement in the Justice Department scandals are fueling calls for Cheney's (and Gonzales') impeachment. It's getting hot fast, get ready for an attack on Iran some major terrorist event or both. Cornered animals are extremely dangerous.
Sun of God?
Author Acharya S and truthbeknown webpage Thanks to Acharya S for the use of her material. Acharya S is a scholar classically educated in archaeology, history, mythology and languages. Acharya specializes in religion and mythology, critiquing and comparing them, and providing unique insights into their origins. Although born into a Christian (Congregationalist Protestant) family, Acharya does not subscribe to any particular religion, nor is she a hardcore "atheist." Acharya is the author of the controversial books The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold and Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled. She is also the author of the number 1 ranked article on the net on the "Origins of Christianity."" Among other less flattering things, Acharya S has been called "the ranking religious philosopher of our era" and "the voice of reason amidst global chaos." Her web site contains a wealth of information about: religion spirituality mythology archaeology history... Tip O'dee hat to Discordian Research Technology. Wednesday, June 06, 2007.
For those of you somewhat vaguely aware of the DOJ (department of justice) shenanigans Monica Goodling under oath and w/immunity before the the House Judiciary Committee busted!
Outside the system (read: using the RNC email servers)or other non-White House server to try to keep the real incriminating stuff out of the reach of Congressional subpoenas. No wonder the white house is stalling on the missing e-mails, if this is any indication of things you find. She was obeying "God's laws" @ expense of man's. ...or so she thought...and in the process, she broke both. Burn her! Tuesday, June 05, 2007.
![]() ![]() So does anybody seriously believe an independent Palestinian state rooted in the West Bank is still "viable"? Labels: Israel/Palestine Monday, June 04, 2007.
A package left at a clinic that performs abortions contained an explosive device that investigators said Thursday could have been deadly. The incident came just days after a national abortion group alerted providers around the country to an increased risk of violence. The device, found in a duffle bag Wednesday, "was configured in such a way to cause serious bodily injury or death," said David Carter, assistant chief of the Austin Police Department. [...] In the last 30 years, abortion clinics have been bombed 41 times according to law enforcement statistics compiled by the National Abortion Federation. Many of the crimes directed at abortion providers, including 93 attempted bombings and arson, were committed during times that abortion issues were prominent in the news, [Vicki] Saporta [president of the National Abortion Federation] said.
[Article continues at link. You know and you cannot doubt that the bomb was designed, manufactured and placed by Christians. Please, please point out to me where the 'not in our name' protests by Christians are occuring. They aren't, are they? It takes one waste of sperm to be Eric Rudolph. It takes many more "good Christians" to keep Rudolph hidden for five years. Are you a "good Christian" too?] Labels: superstition
If common sense ruled the day, the Daily Kos Democrats, with Markos Moulitsas Zúniga leading the charge, would use their “netroot” power to yank the bottom out of the Democrat party and thus send a message to Rahm Emanuel and his ilk. But this will not happen. Daily Kos Dems are emotionally wedded to the party, never mind the self-destructive irrationality of this marriage.
Via WRH blog
John Trudell 'look at us'
Buffy sainte-marie 'My country tis of thy people you're dying' Phil Ochs 'Cops of the World'
Blackwater mercenaries and others 'could' become a force used by despots; they are currently waging a kind of asymmetrical warfare in the middle east, and are not under the purview of congress or any other governmental entity. they will likely be babysitting bush when he retires to Paraguay, and watching out for dick when he sneaks off to dubai, guarding against the threat of kidnapping for war crimes trials. blackwater is this elite's version of the SA. the role they'll play upon return to the US is anyone's guess, but it isn't too difficult to imagine.
On December 23, 2002, The Clash frontman Joe Strummer unexpectedly died from a heart attack. His death did not just alert a certain generation to the alarmingly rapid passage of time. ("Fifty? How can a punk rocker be fifty?") It also marked the loss of a truly brilliant artist. Strummer was a musician who stripped rock back down to its raw essentials, then exploded its creative vocabulary with borrowings from around the world. He was also a lyricist who channeled the ragged anger of punk into a vast, incisive social critique. This would be a great syllabus for anyone whom still believes in Jurisprudence, Law, and human rights. More at the above link. Also, Once Illegal, Always Illegal Let's hope that now, finally, someone will say 'nough is 'nough and shut this sham of legality and Guantanamo Bay down. Sunday, June 03, 2007.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Pinky Show : concept & purpose ![]() ![]() Pinky's Take on International Banking: Pinky's Take on Globalization: Labels: music, pinky show, radical cartooning The Youtube version of this tune was suspended! I am inquiring. However, there's always Daily Motion. I have never seen a music video pulled from Daily Motion. Labels: flora purim, music Saturday, June 02, 2007.
PBS: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
FOR TOO LONG the full length 90 min. version of this documentary has been unavailable. Only a 20 minute version/clips have been circulating. Here ... as of now this failure of access ends. Bill Moyers, the respected TV journalist, analyzes the threats to constitutional government posed by an illegitimate network [Read: Cheney and crew] operating from within the government but using secrecy to set itself up outside of the government / peoples oversight. All this back in 1987. This documentary gives a fascinating overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the Cold War (including Iran, Guatamala, Cuba, Vietnam and Chile). The foundation for the massive push towards greater secrecy in government going on today. This is a truly eye opening documentary/report and has everything to do with today. Google has moved/removed it several times, PBS will not sale it to you, and it is damn near hard to find, so enjoy while it lasts. Somebody needs to capture this in a torrent. And if you do, please let me know. MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. (AP) _ A widely played surveillance video of a woman in a church pew warding off an attacker with her pen led to the arrest of a 44-year-old man, police said Friday. Are confessions being videotaped in Catholic churches?
Remember the technology in the holywood movie Enemy of the State?
It's here with a vengence! the "Grim Meathook Future". In God we trust. The rest we monitor; The only privacy left is inside of your head...For Now. Es ist kein Verfolgungswahn - Sie sind wirklich hinter dir her (It's no persecution complex - They're really after you.) With regards to the above vid: Heads up you to the ipod/mac people... I-Tunes hidden personal info. Apple hides account info in DRM-free music, too With great power comes great responsibility, and apparently with DRM-free music comes files embedded with identifying information. Such is the situation with Apple's new DRM-free music: songs sold without DRM still have a user's full name and account e-mail embedded in them, which means that dropping that new DRM-free song on your favorite P2P network could come back to bite you. While Bush publicly continued the one-China policy of his five White House predecessors, Wilkerson said, the Pentagon “neocons” took a different tack, quietly encouraging Taiwan’s pro-independence president, Chen Shui-bian.
I find it's more fun to read and makes at least as much sense as "the"
"real" Bible. Some (Robert Anton Wilson) RAWfans at work here? WSB/RAW fans? Probably. Friday, June 01, 2007.
her own insights on the significance of the matter: Hayden, with the help of USA TODAY, was putting his best spin on the Agency’s devastating spy drain, citing “accomplishments” of his first year at the helm which included "some 'inefficiencies.'"
"The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Intelligence." |
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