American Samizdat

Monday, June 04, 2007. *
A package left at a clinic that performs abortions contained an explosive device that investigators said Thursday could have been deadly. The incident came just days after a national abortion group alerted providers around the country to an increased risk of violence. The device, found in a duffle bag Wednesday, "was configured in such a way to cause serious bodily injury or death," said David Carter, assistant chief of the Austin Police Department. [...] In the last 30 years, abortion clinics have been bombed 41 times according to law enforcement statistics compiled by the National Abortion Federation. Many of the crimes directed at abortion providers, including 93 attempted bombings and arson, were committed during times that abortion issues were prominent in the news, [Vicki] Saporta [president of the National Abortion Federation] said.

[Article continues at link. You know and you cannot doubt that the bomb was designed, manufactured and placed by Christians. Please, please point out to me where the 'not in our name' protests by Christians are occuring. They aren't, are they? It takes one waste of sperm to be Eric Rudolph. It takes many more "good Christians" to keep Rudolph hidden for five years. Are you a "good Christian" too?]


posted by Trevor Blake at 10:44 PM
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