American Samizdat

Friday, January 11, 2008. *

Wow, I can't believe I haven't seen this before now. As always, words fail at news like this. I was a huge fan of John Cieciel's work, and I never knew he had anything to do with News of the Weird. Long before there were a gazillion blogs highlighting weird news or Keith Olbermann doing his own Oddball spin, there was Chuck Sheperd's News of the Weird from 1988. Now almost every news program or news website capitalizes on some aspect of weird news. [Coincidentally, when I ran a college paper in Washington D.C. in the early nineties I wanted to run the News of the Weird, but they had an exclusive agreement with the DC City Paper which disallowed it.]

I was always proud to be on John's link list. Spitting Image was always one of the best little literate corners of the internet; John's work was fun and funny and influential and he will be missed.

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posted by Dr. Menlo at 10:11 AM
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