American Samizdat

Tuesday, October 30, 2007. *
A sample of the original content that appeared in OVO blog this month:

  • Christ @ Work. The Bible does contain some fine moral advice in it. It also contains some inhumanly evil moral advice. It also contains some foolish nonsense that dresses itself up as moral advice. That doesn't make it much different from any number of other books, ancient and modern.
  • Extremophiles. What might humanity be able to engineer for ourselves to become extremophiles? What dangers do exremophiles present to humanity?
  • Interfaith Dialog. In some places, disagreements are resolved by discussion. In other places, disagreements are resolved by flogging.
  • Islam is Peace. Islam, like Christianity and all religions, is a collection of mean-spirited superstitions invented by illiterate pre-scientific nobodies that we have no reason to heed.
  • Krankheit. Sometimes sickness is a benefit.
  • The Latter-Day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America. Maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible thing if the Mormons got out of the Scouting business.
  • More Sperm. February 2005 saw the return of OVO after 13 years of hibernation. The theme for that issue was 'sperm.' Sperm remains in the news, and here are some of the top sperm stories from the past two years.
  • Peaceable Protests After Amsterdam Attacks. Police in the Dutch city of Amsterdam say several peaceful protests were held in the sixth night of memorials after officers shot a Moroccan man dead.
  • Priorities. It seems that other people being free to celebrate or have their own superstitions is intolerable to Muslims, while public whippings and stoning are just fine as long as they occur in-house.
  • Publius Enigma. It has something to do with Pink Floyd and the Internet and a treasure hunt.
  • Saturn Return. Saturn Return is when Universe picks you up from under the Christmas tree and shakes you to see if it can figure out what you are.
  • SB777. SB777 protects religious belief against discrimination. It also protects discrimination in religious belief. Only religion can distort the rule of law to this degree.
  • Sharia in the United States of America. It is illegal to non-surgically amputate people's hands as a punishment for a crime. Illegal under United States law, but legal under sharia law.
  • Superstitious Exemption from the Rule of Law. For better and for worse, it is not the case that we can all happily get along. But where there is the rule of law and not force, fiat or superstition we can at least get along peaceably.
  • Two Articles from All Africa. Replacing witch doctors with Christians is not going to help the situation.
  • Two Links via God is for Suckers. All money spent on religion is money wasted, wasted more thoroughly than money spent on weapons or torture. At least when someone is killed or tortured, something happened.
  • Workplace Religious Freedom Act (S. 893). If this bill becomes law, then religious employees will have rights and privileges that no atheist employee can have.
Many other essays and links appeared with original commentary. Fine photographs by Trevor Blake were also to be found. Visit OVO blog today.

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