American Samizdat

Thursday, August 30, 2007. *
The mother of a student who was suspended for violating her school system's dress code says the rules unfairly target religion, WRTV in Indianapolis reported. Tracy Prochnow said Highland High School in Indiana suspended her daughter, Brittany Brown, on Monday because the junior wore a Christian-themed T-shirt. Monday was the fourth time Brittany violated the code, which the city's school board implemented this year and requires students to wear khakis and polo shirts. [...] The school's principal, Mark Finger, said the dress code doesn't target religious beliefs. "The policy states there are to be no logos or slogans on a shirt," Finger said. A city council member, Ollie Dixon, said he would work to change the policy. It wasn't clear what changes he would favor.

[Article continues at link.]


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