American Samizdat

Friday, March 16, 2007. *
Police said a motorist beat a former Soviet political prisoner to death with a rock Thursday at a New Jersey highway rest stop after the victim declined to buy his religious CDs.

Brian White of Humble, Texas, was arrested after a 90-mile chase and charged with murder, eluding police and weapons violations.

The victim's secretary said 75-year-old Michail Makarenko of Hillsboro, Va., spent 11 years in prison for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. He owned an art gallery, exhibiting works of banned artists.

[BEGIN OBLIGATORY 'PEOPLE WHO DO BAD THINGS AREN'T REALLY REAL FOR REAL CHRISTIANS' STATEMENT] State police said White "possibly is delusional." He wrote on his MySpace page that his latest recording would one day become part of the "next century Bible." [END OBLIGATORY 'PEOPLE WHO DO BAD THINGS AREN'T REALLY REAL FOR REAL CHRISTIANS' STATEMENT]

White's mother is shocked by his arrest. She said, "He's a Christian guy. He made lots of Christian CDs."

[Dude, quit painting all Christians in such a bad light! Jesus never said we should kill people who don't worship Him!]


posted by Trevor Blake at 5:02 PM
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