American Samizdat

Monday, February 19, 2007. *
Last Friday, a letter in The Gleaner suggested Christians "stood back and allowed one woman ... to remove prayer from our schools ... Christians sat back and let it happen without a fight." Christians didn't stand by while organized prayer was taken out of public schools. They fought it all the way to the Supreme Court and lost. They lost because it is a violation of religious freedom to use taxpayer-funded schools to indoctrinate children into one particular faith. Public schools belong to everyone, not just Christians. Just to set the record straight, though, kids still have the right to pray in schools. They can pray to Jesus, Allah, Shivah, Odin or anything. They aren't allowed to use our public schools as churches, or to disrupt the learning of other kids while they pray.

Teachers, being public servants, are not allowed to lead or initiate prayer, but kids can pray silently whenever they want. No one can stop them. So, when Christians complain about the lack of prayer in public schools, what they really mean is they would like NON-Christians to pray to Jesus. In order to believe bringing Christianity back into public schools would increase the morality of kids, you have to believe two equally false things: First, that being Christian makes someone moral, and secondly, that non-Christians are inherently immoral. We often find examples of Christians doing immoral things and of non-Christians leading exemplary lives. Faith is not a cure-all for social ills, and the premise is shaky at best.

I'm always amazed at the Christian sense of persecution when they are required to follow the same rules as non-Christians. Christians are not being persecuted. The idea is laughable.

[Continues at link. Here's some Christian morality for ya. Here's what some Christians do when they get caught trying to have it both ways. Here's what others do. What they don't do much of is this.]

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posted by Trevor Blake at 5:26 PM
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