American Samizdat

Tuesday, May 19, 2009. *

Feminisnt > A Meddlesome Hussy Takes On the Enemies of Sexual Sanity

Welcome to my rantblog! I'm a pornographer, sex worker, atheist, and former “sex-positive feminist” who grew tired of trying to shoehorn my life into a feminist analysis. I have liberated myself from women's liberation, and it feels glorious. I'm now sharing my observations as a politically-minded smut peddler, ethical slut, and staunch skeptic. I despise people who project their insecurities onto others, or force sex workers into only two roles: helpless victims and evil patriarchy-colluders. I love spicy food, vegan lip balm, and the word "pollywog". [more]

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posted by Dr. Menlo at 12:08 PM
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