American Samizdat

Wednesday, March 19, 2008. *
Just in case you missed it...

F-16's 'dummy bomb' slams into Tulsa apartment complex

Here's a lead that got our attention: "Federal authorities are investigating why a a dummy bomb traveling about 600 mph crashed into a building at a Tulsa apartment complex Thursday evening."

The news comes to us from the Tulsa World, which reports that a military pilot thought he or she had dropped the 25-pound "inert military ordnance" over Kansas. In fact, it hit a densely populated area in Oklahoma.

"Two or three feet over and it would have actually entered apartments," police Capt. Rick Helberg tells KTUL-TV.

Of course, none of the MSM seems to have picked this up...

Could you have imagined had this been the B52 carrying the 5 live loose nuke missiles?

Bet it would've made the news then...
posted by Uncle $cam at 8:51 PM
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