American Samizdat

Friday, November 16, 2007. *
Just a mere spy, that's all. One of how many that have infiltrated our agencies? Ho hum.

Ex-FBI [CIA] Employee's Case Raises New Security Concerns, writes the Whorepost Washington post.

News outlets are abuzz with the news of the guilty plea of Nada Nadim Prouty.

Despite fraudulently acquiring her citizenship and having close familial ties to Hezbollah, Prouty was able to pass background checks for both the CIA and the FBI.

New Security Concerns? New Security Concerns?

And boy does it...there is much more here than the sham media is telling, follow me deep into the rabbit hole, where all things are possible, even before breakfast...

Enter: Sibel Edmonds Sibel Edmonds Case: New (and old) revelations of spying at the FBI. You owe it to yourself to spend a little time on this one, dig in and see for yourself how deep the shit is, here's a little taste:

lost in translation
now go read Lukery. Then come back and watch:

Oh, and while I'm here, here's another slap in the face you should check into...

Krongard (Sec of State) Investigator of Blackwater just found out his Brother was ON the ADVISORY BOARD of... Blackwater Get it? hahahaha... the corpse of America and the corruption stench is becoming to much, it's seeping out. Ever smelled a gutted carcass? No wonder spy's are becoming ubiquitous, with a system like this...
posted by Uncle $cam at 6:07 AM
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