American Samizdat

Friday, October 26, 2007. *
Former Bush General Touts Privatization of National Disaster Response

"Country Club Fees" Would Guarantee Protection
A retired general now working for a controversial private security company told an audience last night about the services the company plans to provide.

The government does not have the tax base to provide services to everyone in the event of a major catastrophe, retired Brigadier General Richard W. Mills told an audience in Pellston last night.

Mills served as Deputy Director of the Counterterrorism Center (CTC) of the Central Intelligence Agency before retirement this year. At a public meeting at the Pellston High School he presented himself as the executive vice president for strategic development for Sovereign Deed, an 18 month old company that offers private disaster response services.

Mills said that Sovereign Deed would offer planning and rescue services to subscribers who pay a "country club type membership fee." Basic service, he said, would involve a one time $50,000 fee and $15,000 per year.

So if they rock up in a disaster area and try to evacuate paying customers, and others try to jump on board or, they rock up with food supplies and non customers try to get them they will do what. Shoot them?

This is so fucked up its beyond belief. We can save you, you know, if the $$$ is right!

We have a federal government that treats Americans like the enemy, steals our money and is UNACCOUNTABLE for anything, and now these mercenary creeps trying to take advantage of the messes created by the traitors. It HAS to have been planned.

I heard Jeremy Scahill (investigative reporter on Blackwater) say that post Katrina, Blackwater just deployed to New Orleans without anyone asking them! They just fucking showed up and started policing the streets. A couple of weeks later they were rewarded with a federal contract. The had automatic weapons and cars without license plates.

Bill Moyers Journal/youtube video of blackwater in New Orleans

Reminds me of this little story: Crews Watch Home Burn, Family Forced To Pay

MESA, Ariz. -- A Gilbert family whose home burned to the ground while town firefighters refused to douse the flames will get a bill from the private fire company that eventually responded.
posted by Uncle $cam at 12:51 AM
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