American Samizdat

Monday, August 27, 2007. *
Ten Questions for Trevor Blake
Rather than continuing the current cycle of assumption and accusation, I thought I would ask publicly ask Trevor a few questions:

1. Are you now or have you ever been a racist?

2. Do you support voluntary segregation?

3. Are you now or have you ever been a misogynist?

4. Are you a libertarian? If so, how would you define libertarianism?

5. What do you think of civil rights legislation such as affirmative action?

6. What do you think about social programs such welfare and universal health care?

7. What is your definition and opinion of capitalism? (Briefly stated).

8. What is your definition and opinion of socialism? (Briefly stated).

9. If you had to sum up for political thinking in only 2-3 words, what would they be?

10. Why do you post at American Samizdat?
posted by Klintron at 5:13 PM
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