American Samizdat

Thursday, March 29, 2007. *
Who Pays for Torture?
BBC: Torturers must pay victims. "States that commit acts of torture should be forced to pay for victims’ rehabilitation, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak has said. Mr Nowak said torture victims required long and costly treatment, and usually rich nations footed the bill rather than the offending states."

Washington Post: Judge Dismisses Torture Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld. "Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld cannot be tried on allegations of torture in overseas military prisons, a federal judge said Tuesday in a case he described as 'lamentable.'"

[What am I going to say when my neice grows a little older and asks me 'why didn't you do anything?']


posted by Trevor Blake at 11:32 AM
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