American Samizdat

Tuesday, December 26, 2006. *
As US troops battle Islamic extremists abroad, the Pentagon and the armed forces are reaching out to Muslims at home.

[Always stress the difference. Why, some of my best friends are non-Islamic extremist Muslims.]

An underlying goal is to interest more Muslims in the military, which needs officers and troops who can speak Arabic and other relevant languages and understand the culture of places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

[Maybe the military shouldn't have kicked out those six Arabic translators because they were gay.]

The effort is also part of a larger outreach. Pentagon officials say they are striving for mutual understanding with Muslims at home and abroad and to win their support for US war aims.

[And where I say 'mutual understanding,' I mean 'lip service to superstitious morons so we can make use of them.' We conned the Christians to get their votes, now let's work on the Muslims. Allah forbid that any understanding of Islam be based on reading the Quran.]

Among the efforts to attract and retain Muslim cadets:

• West Point and the other service academies have opened Muslim prayer rooms, as have military installations.

[You know, they didn't really mean it when whoever those guys were wrote the United States government would not establish a state religion, using tax dollars to fund someone else's superstition. Fucking First Ammendment of the fucking United States Constitution.]

• Imams serve full- and part-time as chaplains at the academies and some bases.

[Now now, why stop there? We need representatives of every major and minor and current and historic religion at the academies and bases. Just in case.]

• Top non-Muslim officers and Pentagon officials have taken to celebrating religious events with Muslims overseas and here in the US.

[Isn't that kind of like saying DURKA DURKA DURKA JIHAD except instead of being wooden puppets in a satirical movie, you're putting on supernatural blackface to trick Muslims into... fighting Muslims?]

"There is a message here, and that is that Muslims and the Islamic religion are totally compatible with Western values," says Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England in an interview.

[Secretary England went on to announce the end of banking, democracy, and several other entirely trivial and optional Western values.]

[Article continues at link. Accomodating superstition in tax-funded venues is always and forever a mistake.]
posted by Trevor Blake at 7:57 PM
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