American Samizdat

Wednesday, November 08, 2006. *
Inaccurate sample ballots describing Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Senate candidate Michael S. Steele as Democrats were handed out to voters in at least four polling sites in Prince George's County this morning.

The ballots were distributed by people who said they arrived by buses this morning from Pennsylvania and Delaware. Erik Markle, one of the people handing out literature for Ehrlich, who is seeking reelection, and Steele, the current lieutenant governor who is campaigning to replace retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D), said he was recruited at a homeless shelter in Philadelphia.

[As 2006 ends, I am considering some personal goals for 2007. One that I am considering is to stop documenting or paying particular attention to the activities of the crooks and liars and bullies and thugs and idiots who run this country. I've done my share, and it just gets me down. Fortunately for us all, there are many other people doing this and they've always done it better than me. So no particular loss.

What I am considering for 2007 is paying more attention to 'the masses.' If power really does belong to 'the people' then it is the the people who need to be held responsible for how things are going. Not in the socialist / communist / anarchist sense that there is such a thing as 'class' that has shared interests in their relation to ownership of the means of production, because that isn't true. More in the sense that I am one person who can talk to one other person about their decisions to support the crooks and liars.

This post is a test of that possible personal decision for 2007. That homeless guy took a job that paid him a little and put him a warm bus for a while - how can I convince him that better options exist than propping up people who will make his life harder in the short and long term?
posted by Trevor Blake at 8:25 AM
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