American Samizdat

Wednesday, September 20, 2006. *
Theocracy on the March
Scott Rothschild: Kline's memo blurs lines. Ministers who invited Atty. Gen. Phill Kline to their pulpits said Wednesday that the Republican preached the Bible, not politics. But Kline's leaked campaign memo on 'church efforts' showed that Kline saw his Sunday sermons as a way to raise more campaign cash in a tough race against Democrat Paul Morrison.

Bob Banta: Study says many Bible classes in Texas schools are biased. A course at Cedar Park High School on the Bible's influence in history and art won praise from a church-state watchdog group Wednesday that criticized similar courses in other Texas schools as "hostile to religious freedom, science, and public education itself." The Austin-based Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, a self-described "mainstream voice to counter the religious right," surveyed all 1,031 public school systems in the state last year and found that 33 taught or offered elective Bible courses at least once since 2001.

Daniel Hoare: Religious sect accused of political interference. After emerging at the last federal election, the secretive Christian sect, the Exclusive Brethren, is now accused of being behind a number of controversial political campaigns, both in Australia and across the Tasman.

[Yeah, but whe cares if religion encroaches on law since religion makes you smart and ethical?]
posted by Trevor Blake at 12:21 PM
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