American Samizdat

Saturday, August 26, 2006. *
Althouse has been on a roll lately. Greenwald's latest on her op-ed is irresistable.

At the risk of beating a dead horse, there is one other point worth making about the Ann Althouse Op-Ed. In the very first sentence, Althouse criticized Judge Taylor for "referring to [Earl Warren] as 'Justice Warren,' not 'Chief Justice Warren,' as if she wanted to spotlight her carelessness." The day before, Althouse created an entire post on her blog with the exclusive purpose of making this same "point" ("How can you forget to call him Chief Justice?").

But Madison Guy points to another Op-Ed written by Althouse in the NYT back in 2005, the purpose of which was to defend the Sam Alito nomination. To do so, Althouse said this: "Yet while Justice Burger remained conservative, Justice Blackmun went on to write the opinion legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade and, eventually, to vote consistently with the liberal justices." As Madison Guy notes: "that would be Chief Justice Warren Burger, right?"

Let us not forget this is the same woman who had this to say about Kevin Barrett and 9-11:

Barrett then tries to lay out the details of the theory. The word "thermate" comes out of his mouth. (It's supposed to be "thermite," but why be precise?) [ADDED: Apparently, there is something called "thermate," which, like thermite, has a role in the conspiracy theory.]

The UW 9/11 denialist appears on "Hannity and Colmes."

Sometimes you almost think this stuff is a parody.

P.S. On a different note, can I get a show of hands for those whom read my posts? I hate to be all existentialist on ya, but I seem to hardly ever garner comments on any of my blogs. Are my posts appreciated outside of the other posters here? Feeling quite the outsider today, but expected to make full recovery. ;-)
posted by Uncle $cam at 10:10 AM
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