American Samizdat

Sunday, July 30, 2006. *
Ha! After the bomb this morning killed 50 people, the Lebanese prime minister told Rice not come to Lebanon again. Thereby she was out of the game. Now Rice gives in?! The whole plan is in shambles.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking after the Israel Air Force strike bombing of the Lebanese village of Qana, said it was time for a cease-fire in the war between Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas.

At least 50 Lebanese citizens were killed, 23 of them children, in the IAF strike on a building. Dozens of others were reportedly trapped in the rubble. Several houses collapsed and a three-story building where about 100 civilians were sheltering was destroyed, witnesses and rescue workers said.

Rice said she was saddened by the bombing and confirmed that she had cancelled a planned trip to Beirut, but would stay in Israel to try to work out a deal for ending the 19-day-old conflict.

Rice did not decide to cancel her trip to Beiruit. Lebanon told her NOT to come, and also that only an immediate ceasefire will be acceptable after this bombing run which has now talled up to more 50 dead, more than half children.

even the jackals from the press have sd there were no arms of any kind at qana

it is murder

pure & simple

the IDF sd there were rocket launcher sites
press says there was no such evidence

they are butchers

pure & simple
posted by Uncle $cam at 9:14 AM
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