American Samizdat

Monday, July 24, 2006. *
Specter is trying to justify his Bush enabling new FISA law in this WarPo Oped. I sure would like to see Greenwald eviscerate him.

Also :

How the Supreme Court
Struck Back

However, Specter is going through the motions of opposition. Astoundingly he is the only one doing even that. The analysis above indicates that a very strong case could be made before the Supreme Court that the present regime's actions are illegal.

Lame as he is Specter is the only one who even feels the need even to go through the motions. And he's a Republican.

The Democrats are not spineless, as some people like to complain they are. They are complicit with everything this regime does. In fact, via their conspicuous silence in every conceivable instance of outrage, they are the real backbone of this truly monstrous regime. Truth be known, an in academic circles it was also the Democrats that brought us McCarthyism.
posted by Uncle $cam at 2:54 AM
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