American Samizdat

Tuesday, July 18, 2006. *
Don’t worry—they won’t run out of people to drug, because everyone’s gonna get screened for potential drugalicious mental illnesses!

Quality screening and early intervention will occur in both readily accessible, low-stigma settings, such as primary health care facilities and schools, and in settings in which a high level of risk exists for mental health problems, such as criminal justice, juvenile justice, and child welfare systems. Both children and adults will be screened for mental illnesses during their routine physical exams.

(New Freedom Commission on Mental Health)

Are you sitting down?

Bush To Impose Psychiatric Drug Regime

Note: This (the above) does not, repeat does not take into account those in the Cheney admin whom have stocks in these various Pharms...

The Drugs I need...

Soviet style is so in... why just last week, I bought a shirt w/the Soviet Hammer and Sickle logo...

Also of note:
Does anybody else besides me, see Bushes intrepid and "little-noticed provision" to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as "disruptors" remind anybody else of Stalins, Article 58 (RSFSR Penal Code) as well as other codes under Article 58

*Tip of the hat to the Cabal for many of the above links...


On a resonate note:

watch as this Fla. guy who is banned from the town in which he lives - except his house - for exercising his constitutional rights is herded out of the building...

Grapski has sued the city over its recent elections, alleging that misconduct occurred and that a new election must be held.

As he was examining public records at city hall in researching his lawsuit, Grapski was arrested in the city commission chambers, charged with illegally recording City Manager Clovis Watson Jr. a few days prior.

Grapski was brought to jail but was released on his own recognizance -- meaning he realized that he was charged with a crime and that he must show up at court hearings. As part of the release, he was told not to initiate contact with city officials.

But after his release, he appeared at a city commission meeting and asked for the minutes of the election's Canvassing Board to be taken off the consent agenda so the public could discuss the minutes before a vote was taken

see: Except for his home, Grapski now banned from Alachua

Alachua council meeting
posted by Uncle $cam at 10:22 PM
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