American Samizdat

Thursday, May 18, 2006. *
Following on my last post below this one, the firedoglake one, regarding todays senate hearings on Gen.(probable cause)Hayden as head of CIA, he let out that due to the Bush "idea war" (read purge), that only one in four left in CIA had more than four years experience. How dangerous is that? Here is a direct consequence and method of their ideological war i.e., Team B:

A number of current and former intelligence officials have told me that the administration's war on internal dissent has crippled the CIA's ability to provide realistic assessments from Iraq. “The system of reporting is shut down,” said one person familiar with the situation. “You can't write anything honest, only fairy tales.”

Two CIA station chiefs Bagdhad fired/demoted after writing realistic reports, one promoted after writing a fairy tail.

Killing the messengers ...
posted by Uncle $cam at 3:23 PM
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