American Samizdat

Sunday, May 28, 2006. *
Reverend Pat Robertson
Remember the old story about Moses and the ten commandments? God gave Moses the ten commandments, Moses brought them to the people, but when Moses saw the people were doing bad things he destroyed the ten commandments. Then God gave Moses another copy, and that's the ten commandments we have today. Remember that old story?

Well, then you remember wrong. Read the ten commandments God gave Moses in Exodus 20, then read the replacement ten commandments in Exodus 35. They aren't the same, are they?

Maybe that's what confused Reverend Pat Robertson. Maybe he doesn't know which ten commandments he should be following, so he just does what he wants and then asks God to forgive him. Maybe he even says 'well, God, you didn't make it clear to me, so you just have yourself to blame.' For example, maybe Rev. Robertson doesn't know it isn't right to lie and say you can lift two thousand pounds in a leg press [ABC] [CBN].

I'm all for people telling fibs for art, or fun, or to trick themselves into accomplishing more in life. I don't mind that Rev. Robertson tells fibs about himself. If he tells his TV audience that prayers heals disease then turns around and gets surgery for himself, that's between him and his believers. If he tells his TV audience that prayers turn away hurricanes then hurricanes don't turn away, let him and his believers work that out. But when he plays bad cop to the good cop Bush White House, invests in blood diamonds, and gets endorsement the government, I wonder if there is any hope for the United States.

Heaven forbid Rev. Robertson demonstrate his magic powers in front of professional magicians.
posted by Trevor Blake at 7:43 AM
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