American Samizdat

Wednesday, May 03, 2006. *
Probably, one of the best overviews on US policy in Iraq - Iran - and the middle east in general - I've read yet.

An eyeopener for understanding U.S. Middle East politics.

I agree with his conclusion:

The Left would do well to remember that there are at least two imperialist camps in Washington -- one Right Arabist and one Right Zionist. Both are "sensible," within the framework of imperialist statecraft. Neither deserves our embrace. Will Sistani -- like the Shah before him -- collaborate with Israel and police US interests in the Middle East? Or will the Baathists and Saudis patrol the region for the US? These are urgent questions for US imperialism. Not so for the anti-imperialist Left. Our demand is simple: Bring the troops home. Now.
posted by Uncle $cam at 2:27 AM
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