American Samizdat

Sunday, April 09, 2006. *
We're All Watching the Watchers
R. Buckminster Fuller made maps of the trajectory of technology: from black-book military to war to heavy industry to commerce to the average person. He said we should 'not fight forces, but use them.' That is, keep the technology trajectory going because it does produce good results - just change the goal from weaponry to 'livingry.'

The same is true for surveillance technology. The tiny electronic camera that once was used only by spies, then by prisons, then by convenience stores, now exists on standard cell phones. No need to be freaked out over the creeps watching you, because you're watching them right back. Take for example Holla Back NYC: "You have the right to feel safe, confident and sexy, without being the object of some turd's fantasy." If the Bad Guys have all the good toys, it is because the Good Guys went Luddite.

Be Smart, Not Pure.
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:37 AM
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