American Samizdat

Wednesday, April 26, 2006. *
For the last few years, a coalition of technology companies, academics and computer programmers has been trying to persuade Congress to scale back the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Now Congress is preparing to do precisely the opposite
. A proposed copyright law seen by CNET would expand the DMCA's restrictions on software that can bypass copy protections and grant federal police more wiretapping and enforcement powers.

10 years in jail if you try to download a movie... This legislation is a front for something bigger, bigger brother that is. FBI being pawns for corporations and more wiretapping.

" Gonzales said, adding that proceeds from the illicit businesses are used, "quite frankly, to fund terrorism activities."

Eat [Bush's] dick Gonzales, you lying asshat.

The 24-page bill is a far-reaching medley of different proposals cobbled together. One would, for instance, create a new federal crime of just trying to commit copyright infringement. Such willful attempts at piracy, even if they fail, could be punished by up to 10 years in prison.
posted by Uncle $cam at 12:20 AM
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