American Samizdat

Friday, March 17, 2006. *
Note: the above is a direct link to the video.

While your out celebrating this weekend or just away from your home for whatever reason, work, visiting friends, at the grocery, keep in mind, your home may be searched.
See more here:
No Warrant. No Problem. Bush breaking into homes
The 4th Ammendment under assault as your representative elite (both republican and democrat ) sale your rights down the river made legal by the Patriot Act of which they didn't even read.

Addendum:for you dial up folks...

KO- reading from a press release-"Soon after the 2001 terror attacks, lawyers for the White House and the Justice Dept. argued that the same legal authority that allowed warrentless electronic surveillance inside the US, could also be used to justify physical searches of terror suspects homes & businesses WITHOUT COURT APPROVAL."

(KO to Jonathan Turley)-Doesn't that send chills down your spine?

JT-Well it does, It's HORRIFIC, because what that would constitute is to effectively REMOVE the 4th Amendment from the US Constitution and the fact that it was so quick a suggestion shows the inclination, unfortunately of this administration. It treats the Constitution as some legal technicality instead of the thing were trying to fight to protect. The WNR story says the FBI officals, or some of them objected, and we're seeing a lot of people in the administration with the courage to say "Hold it, this is NOT what we're supposed to be about if we're fighting a war, it's a war of self defination and if we start to take whole amendments out of the Constitution in the name of the war on terror-we have to wonder what's left at the end, except victory."

another JT quote- "This is something to be very concerned about. These are not trival matters. We've seen a sort of broad based ASSAULT on basic Constitutional rights in our country since 9-11. We have a President who ordered Electronic Surveillance by the NSA without a warrent in something that constitutes a Federal CRIME. Congress isn't even holding serious hearings on that. So we have a system that has checks & balances but none of them seem to be working. At the same time, as we reported earlier, we have an attack on the Judiciary itself, all of this should present a picture of concern for every American."
posted by Uncle $cam at 6:45 PM
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