American Samizdat

Friday, March 10, 2006. *
For United Airlines workers, the corporation's bankruptcy meant layoffs, wage cuts, and lost pensions. But not everyone felt the pain. United's law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, will walk away with a sweet $99.8 million in fees for its troubles.

One K&E partner, James Sprayregen, billed for 4,419 hours at a rate of $850 an hour, for a total of $3.45 million. But Sprayragen is a slouch next to partner David Seligman. He claims to have put in an astonishing 10,231 hours--an average of 62.4 hours a week, every week, for four years--resulting in a tab of $5.5 million.

The rich get richer and the workers get fucked.
posted by The Continental Op at 10:41 PM
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