American Samizdat

Monday, March 06, 2006. *
in which Jeb Bush and NASA are going to grow
the Mars Program into a $140B white-lab-coat
welfare program, running for over a decade.

Get Junior into math and science, ha,ha,ha.
Teach him to speak Mandarin and Hindi first.
Save bucks attending Hyderabad University.

And for those of you who can pencil the math,
(yes, it's cheaper to outsource), that's some
$15,500 per working American, and which just
happens is an average Americans' life savings,
either our life savings or our Social Security.

"Daddy, why are we eating rice and beans again,
and looking for that red star up in the sky?"

"Junior, I'm just looking for your inheritance,
they said our ship would come in any day now."

?? ?????????!
posted by Uncle $cam at 10:11 PM
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