American Samizdat

Sunday, February 19, 2006. *
major-general andrew jackson to his soldiers: "It is indeed lamentable, that the path to peace should lead through blood, and over the bodies of the slain: but it is a dispensation of Providence, to inflict partial evils that good may be produced."
letter from an american officer who had served in the philippines: "There is no use mincing words...If we decide to stay, we must bury all qualms and scruples about Weylerian cruelty, the consent of the governed, etc., and stay. We exterminated the American Indians, and I guess most of us are proud of it, or, at least, believe the end justified the means; and we must have no scruples about exterminating this other race standing in the way of progress and enlightenment, if it is necessary."

tocqueville: "It is impossible to destroy more men with more respect to the laws of humanity."
posted by Uncle $cam at 7:08 AM
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