[F]ar from saving "thousands of lives," as claimed by Vice President Dick Cheney in December 2005, the NSA program never led investigators to a genuine terrorist not already under suspicion, nor did it help them to expose any dangerous plots. So why did the administration continue this lumbering effort for three years? Outsiders sometimes find it tempting to dismiss such wheel-spinning as bureaucratic silliness, but I believe that the Judiciary Committee will find, if it is willing to persist, that within the large pointless program there exists a small, sharply focused program that delivers something the White House really wants. This it will never confess willingly.
The reports Bolton and others did get on intercepted calls and for which they requested the names of the U.S. call partner to be revieled are pointing in this direction.
A travelling circus that is a smuggling gang, a big "terrarist" spying program that hides spying on very distinct domestic people.