American Samizdat

Tuesday, February 07, 2006. *
Hits From the Stovepipe
Is gay anti-gay activist Jeff Gannon, as Scooter Libby would say, returning to work...and to life?

Yesterday, Jeff Wells wrote at Rigorous Intuition:
[The] Republican prostitute Jeff Gannon [is] getting back his press pass, this time for "Pajama Media."
He links to a thread at Democratic Underground, where FreedomAngel82 gives a bit more information.
It looks like Jeff Gannon is back

I was watching the two video's from Canofun and it's Jeff Gannon. You can see him at the end of the video of the Gonzalez protestor video. He tries to hide himself from the camera but it's him. Than when he's questioning Durbin when Durbin asks him where he's from he at first says "Talon N--" and than corrects himself and says "Pajama Media." What in the world is "Pajama Media"?? How do they get press passes? And did the Jenny girl of Randi Rhodes' show ever get her White House press pass? I remember when all this first started they were going to try to get her a pass but I never heard if she got one.
I am currently not able to view the Durbin video at CanOFun, but here's the link.

As others in the forum post later comment, the man thought to be Gannon does not say he is with Talon News but with Powerline. Neither Jeff Wells nor FreedomAngel seem to know what either of these media outlets are, and yet they are two of the larger conservative news blogs on the internet. Powerline was, last year, voted "blog of the year" by Time Magazine, and Pajamas Media (formerly Open Source News, formerly Pajamas Media when it was pointed out that "Open Source News" was already taken and the blog was neither Open Source nor concerned with Open Source). The latter pools the "talents" of many conservative bloggers, including grandstanding peabrains Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit and Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs.

If Gannon is working for these fellows, it's an indication the administration is extending its media manipulation into the blogosphere--not a surprizing event in itself. What is even more interesting is the level to which the fledgeling conservative internet media is foregiving, nay encouraging, of dirty tricks and is actually willing to join in.
posted by Anonymous at 11:24 AM
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