American Samizdat

Tuesday, February 07, 2006. *
Four or More People Are Dead Because of These Drawings

What does it mean to 'respect' religion? It means to knuckle under to any made-up nonsense that a person cares to spit out. People should be free to make up nonsense: I do every day. But I don't kill myself or other people for telling me I'm making up nonsense, or for making up their own nonsense. When you think an invisible monster that lives in the sky is condoning your nonsense as the best, and that you will somehow live again after you are dead (kind of like saying 'you will have your cake that you don't have,' isn't it?), then by gum you can do anything you want. It isn't about Islamofascists, and it isn't about Islamists, and it isn't about Islamic extremists, and it isn't about Islamic fundamentalists. It's about Islam. And it's about Christianity. And it's about Judaism. And yes it's about Buddhism too. It's about religion, a self-induced mental illness that humanity can no longer afford to 'respect.'

Keep the nice art, architecture and music. Crazy folk tales and history? Sure, keep them around too. But move all that stuff into the category of 'myths our ancestors believed' and out of 'that which influences law.' Definitely not a second of 'respect' for people who kill themselves and others over drawings. Quarantine is a better solution. Leave them to crawl around with the finest insights the world had to offer a few thousand years ago. Soon they'll be lucky to live to the old age of 25, and they'll either all die off or beg to be allowed to rejoin the world of science and medicine and technology that they currently hate so much.

Shame on the US media for shying away from printing these images.
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:13 PM
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