American Samizdat

Monday, February 27, 2006. *
Gen. Geoffrey Miller has requested early retirement.
After his refusal to testify during the court martial of the dog handlers last month, it's not surprising. Using Article 31 tends to shorten one's military career, or so I've been told.

Next time we hear from him, I hope it's at The Hague for war crimes before The International Criminal Court (ICC).

Finally, see:

New Yorker Exposes the Efforts Instituting Abuse and Torture
The New Yorker in its February 27th, 2006 magazine has published an article by Jane Mayer which is the most complete behind the scenes presentation of how and who within the Bush Administration derailed an internal effort to stop the abuse and torture of detainees and prisoners. The connections between The Pentagon operatives and the office of the Vice President are detailed to an extent I have not seen before. There was clear and concerted effort to institute the policies that produced torture.

"From the sleep of reason"...and all that.
posted by Uncle $cam at 3:53 AM
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