American Samizdat

Wednesday, January 04, 2006. *
"Surely, the only true revolution is the freeing of the mind from its own conditioning... not the mere reformation of society."
"The person who reforms society is still caught in society; but the person who is free of society, being free from conditioning, will act in his or her own way, which will act again upon society.

"So our problem is not reformation, how to improve society, how to have a better welfare state, whether communist or socialist or what you will. It is not an economic or political revolution, or peace through terror. For a serious person, these are not problems.

"The real problem is to find out whether the mind can be totally free from all conditioning, and thereby perhaps discover in that extraordinary silence that which is beyond all measurement."

-- J. Krishnamurti, London, 1955
posted by mr damon at 11:06 PM
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