American Samizdat

Friday, January 13, 2006. *
I have a feeling of dread and disgust about my government. I don't fear it as much as I fear for our country's future under this government's ongoing destructive policies at home and abroad.

Let's get something straight: I've never been a left-winger. I'm a hawk when it comes to national defense. I grew up in a military family and spent years living overseas during the Cold War. It takes real provocation, personal and direct, to get me to "go political."

However. This fool from Texas has pretty much made a mockery of himself, our country and our freedoms with his reactionary, fearful, panicky response to events that were his responsibility to prevent in the first place: The 9/11 attacks happened on his watch.
It's interesting to note that on the morning of 9/11, George Bush senior was meeting with Osama Bin Laden's brother in New York City.

King George isn't really a joke to me any more as much as he is a clear and present threat to our nation's most sacred values and security.

truth to power:

When is America going to wake up? WHAT does it take?
Believe it our not, the Bush family played a critical role in Hitler's rise to power.
In 1938, Time Magazine's Man of the Year was Adolph Hitler.
In 2004, Time Magazine's Person of the Year was Monkey Boy, King George.

The pResident is signing laws that include signing statements that exempt him from the laws.

Like a terrorist, this man is using the American system against its own citizens.
posted by Uncle $cam at 1:56 PM
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