American Samizdat

Thursday, December 08, 2005. *

Art as social dissidence?

Here's a nice meme that could go either way. Perhaps, this meme could be spread in the blogsphere. While, I'm a bit ambivalent to it, as it could only be a placebo for the masses as in Roman times, i.e. by keeping the people entertained/distracted etc or a great enantiodromia (things becoming their opposites).As so often happens. In part, (imo) because even so called 'progressives' have no understanding of systems theory , system dynamics nor of lateral thinking .Paradoxical and or parallaxical ?

On the otherhand, it would rachet up the surface tension of our 'rulers'. On a third hand, it would give the spooks a chance to use their new technology e.g. crowd control non lethal weapons and practice urban warfare stratagies.

posted by Uncle $cam at 12:20 PM
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