American Samizdat

Saturday, December 24, 2005. *
OVO 16 AntiChrist
I published my first zine in 1979 (age 12). My main zine, OVO, was published between 1987-1992. OVO was the first to publish several essays by Hakim Bey that later appeared in his book T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone. OVO published work by Mike Diana long before his work drew the attention of State and Federal employees. Photographs of body piercing appeared in OVO two years before the Modern Primitives issue of Re/Search. The phrase 'phone tag' appears in print for the first time in the first issue of OVO. 'Liberating Wednesday' by PM, author of bolo'bolo, appears here for the first (and only) time; this is nearly a decade before and fifty-two times more radical a suggestion than 'Buy Nothing Day.' Crop circles and the Men in Black are referenced at a time when they were still obscure. The first appearance of Ride Theory in print occurs in Ignatz Topolino's contribution to OVO. And OVO was aware enough of the outer edges of scientific ethics to mention gene patents in the same year they first were granted.

I switched to BBS / Web publishing in early 1990s. In the late 1990s I scanned all the back issues of the zine. OpenOffice allowed for easy creation of PDFs from those scans, and PDFs allowed me to distribute the zine in electronic form while allowing the reader to print out the zine for themselves. This distributed printing model worked well: 600,000 pages were distributed in a few month's time. The entire body of work is given to the public domain.

Going through the zine again, knowing that I could get zines in people's hands with less expense in printing and postage, inspired me to publish OVO once more. After a thirteen year break, new issues of OVO have been published.

The latest issue is OVO 16 AntiChrist, containing original unpublished work by Trevor Blake, Dennis Dread, Dan Howland, Peter Lamborn Wilson and others. OVO 16 AntiChrist is a tool kit for disabusing the reader of Christianity. Do what no Christian wants you to do; read what their Bible says and learn what their religion advocates. OVO does not criticize Christianity because it is a good religion perverted to bad ends. It is much more the case that a few good people (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., perhaps) have perverted the bad religion of Christianity to good ends. All the good done in the name of Christianity could and does occur through entirely secular means. What remains distinctly Christian if such duplication of labor is removed? Threats of eternal damnation, denial of the pleasures and wonders of this short life, confusion and deception. When Christianity has supported individual rights it has done so only after a 'revelation' that (a) goes against its own history and (b) miraculously is in harmony with contemporary public opinion. For example, many Christians opposed slavery in the United States; but many more supported slavery and did so for much longer. Even today the Bible contains many passages supporting slavery and not one passage condemning it. Christianity is a slave religion, a misogynist religion, a queer-killing religion, a nonsense religion, but good people keep twisting their bad faith to good ends. Wouldn't it be better to just do good deeds without wasted efforts to placate an invisible monster that lives in the sky?

OVO does not advocate killing Christians. OVO does not advocate making Christianity illegal. OVO advocates the withering away of Christianity through reason and scorn. Get your copy (free download, low-cost print-on-demand) today!
posted by Trevor Blake at 10:20 AM
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