American Samizdat

Saturday, December 31, 2005. *
These are fairly recent posts to Norman Finkelstein's website. There are three write ups on his talk at Yale in October 2004 and three MPGs of the same. Finkelstein's talk mirrors the introduction to his latest book, Beyond Chutzpah, which is an exposé of the "misuse of anti-semitism and the abuse of history." The second part of the book is a denunciation of Alan Dershowitz's book "The Case for Israel". The book, Beyond Chutzpah can be ordered here. You could also get Dershowitz's book at the same place but since it seems to be an almost direct copy of the discredited From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters you might want to cut out the middleman and go straight to source or simply trust Finkelstein and read his exposé of a complete hoax.

Just as an aside, the UK's Melanie Phillips, uses as an example of resurgent anti-semitism the fact that someone reported going into a bookstore in either Oxford or Cambridge (let's say Oxbridge) in the UK and asking for a copy of "The Case for Israel" only to be told by the shop assistant that "there is no case for Israel." I didn't know that fair comment could be construed as anti-semitism. But then read Finkelstein's book and you will see that whilst Melanie Pillips is considered a bit loony in the UK, her rantings about anti-semitism are positively mainstream in the US.
posted by levi9909 at 4:10 AM
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