American Samizdat

Thursday, December 01, 2005. *

As far as I'm concerned, John Lennon is the author of this millennium's anthem. Picture a world united by this type of imagination, and destroying the societal rot and fungus of religious fundamentalism everywhere. Imagine no more crazy fucking theocracies, no Jerry Falwell, too. No cliterectomies, or the bad type of stoning if you screw. You may call me a dreamer, yea, but fuck if I'm going to waste what may be my only shot at life prostrating myself in front of a fairy tale, or let those who worship fairy tales tell anybody else what to do based on their own retarded literal interpretations of such fairy tales. Imagine a human race which chooses reality--at least as its base--and then takes its highly-recommended flights of fancy from there.

Edward Albee once said [pp], "It's OK to have illusions, as long as you know they're illusions."

posted by Dr. Menlo at 9:29 PM
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