American Samizdat

Friday, November 18, 2005. *
Update see below:

BBC Newsnight, probably the corporation's most serious news offering, spectacularly violated Godwin's Law last night in reporting on the WP-in-Fallujah story. (The broadcast is available above for a limited period.)

It ran footage of the aftermath of the Luftwaffe's 1937 attack on Guernica over a soundtrack of Nazi dismissals of the eyewitness journalist accounts that women and children had been murdered as a result.

It then cut to footage of the US using WP in an attack on Fallujah, with a commentary that eyewitness journalist accounts had been denied by the US military.

Note:Look On the right hand side of the link page for: The contribution of the blogger to war reporting


The US has continued to maintain that it has done nothing wrong by firing weapons with white phosphorous in Iraq.

The story has shown the limits of the mainstream media and the commitment of the blogger. Paul Mason reports.

You may find some of the pictures in this report distressing


Update:Dr Grey of GPOD was kind enough to torrent the above here:
BBC Newsnight Report: The contribution of the blogger to war reporting WP-in-Fallujah
Much thanks, Dr.Grey.
posted by Uncle $cam at 3:00 PM
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