American Samizdat

Friday, November 04, 2005. *
”After getting notification from the Justice Department about 8 p.m. that night, he asked if he could inform staffers at the White House early in the morning , and that was okayed. Schieffer then asked if he at least informed anyone at the White House that first night to “get ready” for the order. Yes, Gonzales said, he told the president’s chief of staff that night, and then the president himself “first thing” the next day.

Bob Shieffer of Face the Nation got this tidbit today (and as he implied, but did not explicitly state, it's a bombshell):

Gonzales admitted to Shieffer that he told the White House Chief of Staff (aka Andrew Card) right away that he had received notice of the Justice Dept. investigation right after he (Gonzales) found out at 8PM that night ... How many goddamn documents were shred in that 12 hours!!!???

This fucking nation is beyond corrupt!!!!!
posted by Uncle $cam at 11:55 PM
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