American Samizdat

Friday, October 21, 2005. *
The Army Times thinks there's something funny
about FNU LNU . If this case drops down the memory hole we'll have a better idea of this Brooklynite's real allegiance.

Here's a link to more detail on the 'infiltrated translator' For me, the money quote comes in a footnote on page 4 of this New York Federal Court Document which is a deposition by John Long, the FBI agent in charge of the case

Because the purpose of this affidavit is to set forth only those facts necessary to establish probable cause, I have not described all of the relevant facts and circumstance of which I am aware.

Maybe its "much ado about nothing" but I'd like to hear what Sibel Edmonds might have to say on the matter.
posted by Uncle $cam at 2:58 PM
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