American Samizdat

Thursday, October 27, 2005. *
Looks like another religious fundamentalist will join Mr Bush in bringing the world to non-stop incendiary conflict. The President of Iran is also saber rattling and spewing hate:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Wednesday that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map" — fiery words that Washington said underscores its concern over Iran's nuclear program.

George Bush, Karl Rove and cabal must be overjoyed; fear of another war will overshadow their lies and treason as their spree of misrule becomes common knowledge in mainstream America. Or will it?

Nationalism, Fundamentalism and hate are the time honored tools of governance for authoritarians...Look how well it works here in "the land of the free..

Background to Betrayal:Behind the CIA leak investigation by Justin Raimondo connects the dots between the players in the outing of under cover CIA officer Valerie Plame and the front company that afforded her and her colleagues the ability to work clandestinely on nuclear, biologocal and chemical weapon proliferation issues throughout the world. The article offers a view of the larger picture of how the US got into the war on Iraq. Read it and decide where the loyalties of Mr Bush's neoconservative pals lie.

There are quite a few links to explore in this piece I recommend, but we are looking at complexities behind a simple issue; a web of deceit that when waded through offers a startling and undeniable overview, a perspective that you will not gain from a 45 second evening news segment- a perspective that the NY Times will not illustrate or admit. Please take the time to read the article, follow down links and gain the context for understanding.

Will Fitzgerald indict the bastards? Will the house of cards shudder, to fall? Or will it be business as usual?
posted by m at 4:41 PM
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