American Samizdat

Monday, October 24, 2005. *
Larry Wilkerson Erases Any Doubts About Cheney-Rumsfeld Cabal in Tomorrow Morning's Los Angeles Times

I have just been tipped off that the Los Angeles Times plans to run a rip-the-veneer-off the White House cabal op-ed by Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former State Department Chief of Staff, in the morning.

I have read it...It's 998 words of honest patriotism that Americans need to hear -- and 998 tons of dynamite on the Executive Office of the President.

Here is a short teaser, but you must read the entire article in the Los Angeles Times that I will link as soon as it us up:

Meanwhile, wrap your pumpkin around this:

Juan Cole has an advantageous, and interesting take on the implosion of the NYTimes:

The extraordinary exchanges between New York Times editor Bill Keller and reporter Judith Miller over her role in the Plame scandal and reporting on non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq have suggested to me a wider context of the entire matter.

The wider context is that Rupert Murdoch, and Richard Mellon Scaife, and other far rightwing billionaires have deeply corrupted our information environment. They are in part responsible for what happened at the NYT.

Miller attempts to excuse her shoddy reporting on Iraq's imaginary weapons of mass destruction by saying that "everyone" got that story wrong. But the State Department Intelligence and Research Division did not get it wrong. The Department of Energy analysts were correct that the aluminum tubes couldn't be used to construct centrifuges. Elbaradei of the International Atomic Energy Commission was not wrong. Imad Khadduri, former Iraqi nuclear scientist, was not wrong. "Everybody" got it wrong only in the sense that "everybody" had been brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch.

The entire article is a must-read and I'd say when everything is added together, one could make a damned good case that Clinton's "Deregulation Act" of 1996 along with Reagan crushing The Fairness Doctrine deliberately made this horseshit possible.

Unfortunately, the chances of us getting a Democratic presidential candidate that could win by vowing to repeal the latter and reapply the former are directly purportional to the chances of the fleas of a 1000 reindeer taking up permanent residence inside Brit Hume's genitals.
posted by Uncle $cam at 10:48 PM
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