American Samizdat

Monday, October 10, 2005. *
Hats off to historian David Noble of York University in Toronto, Canada. Noting the arbitrary nature of recognizing some religious holidays and not others (by way of mandatory school closings), Noble has said he will close his class for any 'religious' holiday that his students request. So if his students request every Monday, Wednesday and Friday off for Hu Hu the Spider Deer, every Thursday off for the Flying Spaghetti Monster and half-days on Thursdays for J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, well, that's what freedom of religion is all about. The freedom to trivialize any secular activity for everyone around you so that you can have room to talk to an invisible monster that lives in the sky.

Like the saying goes: I don't think in your church, please don't worship in my school.
posted by Trevor Blake at 5:06 PM
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