American Samizdat

Friday, August 19, 2005. *
Members of [St. James Church in Newport Beach, All Saints' Church in Long Beach and St. David's Church in North Hollywood] voted last summer to disassociate from the Episcopalian Church USA after the ordination of a gay bishop in the Diocese of New Hampshire. They announced they were placing themselves under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in Uganda. The diocese then sued to retain the church's parish property and building. [...] A judge has ruled that the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles can't confiscate the property of a parish that disassociated itself from the denomination over a gay bishop's ordination.

[Wouldn't it be something if more local religious groups followed this precedent... seize the property of others, say you had to because the invisible monster that lives in the sky told you to, and you're golden. Religion is great!]
posted by Trevor Blake at 9:07 AM
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