American Samizdat

Thursday, July 28, 2005. *
This is a PDF file of the book 'You Are Being Lied To - The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes, and Cultural Myth'. Quite a good read and I recommend that you actually purchase the book as I have.

Scroll down to page 56 or select the bookmark from the section 'The News Media and Other Manipulators' and you will find the article 'Making Molehills Out of Mountains' by Marni Sullivan. I think you will find it worthwhile reading in light of the current news concerning the IRA and Northern Ireland.

Note: If your browser has trouble with the link, try getting there from this index.

"When most people think of Northern Ireland, they think of Catholics and Protestants hating each other and of mindless IRA bombings. Most people, especially Americans, seem to believe that a great deal of the trouble comes from religious intolerance. Much of this stereotype results from a lack of understanding of the issues, which in turn results from a lack of information. America’s perception of the Northern Ireland conflict is incomplete at best..."

"Without direct and constant communication within Northern Ireland itself, the United States media will be ill-equipped to bring unbiased and complete coverage of the peace process and insurrection resulting from it. Perhaps America’s “special relationship” with England has a lot to do with the tendency of the media to focus primarily on British perspectives of the conflict..."
posted by Mike at 4:25 PM
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