I don't mind little violations of privacy to protect us, if they REALLY protect us. I've seen the cops do some of these searches and I had my backpack searched today. They just open the bag, leaf through it a little for a few seconds and that is it. A terrorist could just put the bomb at the bottom of a big bag or backpack and cover it with some stuff. These cops don't do thorough searches. They'd never find it.
Also, the cops do these searches right near the turnstiles where there are hundreds of people. If one of these suicide bombers got searched and thought he was going to get caught, he could just detonate the bomb right then and there, taking out most of the station and killing hundreds of people. So how is it that these searches are doing any good?
This is just City Hall making a show for people. They want it to look like they're doing something, so they just do anything in the hopes that it will look like they are working hard on this problem. I've seen it, and I ain't buying it. If you feel safer because of these searches, then I pity your ignorance and naivete.
via craigslist